Confession Of A Former Iglesia ni Cristo Minister While living - TopicsExpress


Confession Of A Former Iglesia ni Cristo Minister While living in the Philippines I met Miguel Garcia (not his real name). He had left his position as a minister in the Iglesia ni Cristo organization. I first met Miguel as a Baptist Church in Metro Manila. He attended this church and their Bible College for a few months before his fear of the INC cause him to leave. Miguel and I met secretly for several months and I learned that his fear of the INC was not completely unjustified. He and his wife told me of two times when friend were also shot as they walked down the street together. Miguel was in the process of writing a book about his experiences in the INC but was unable to finish the project before we left the Philippines. The following is an unedited portion of what he did write. This is the confession of the highest ranking member of the Iglesia ni Cristo to ever leave the organization and write about it. I would like first to thank our Heavenly Father for giving me the courage and frankness in writing on such a delicate subject concerning the Iglesia ni Cristo. What you are about to read is true for who can better explain the activities of this religious cult than an ex-minister like me who is no longer bound by it’s secrets and discipline. What I could not reveal while I was under the INC frock can now be told. The whole truth must be told for it would be collaboration with evil if I were to remain silent. I would like to inform the reading public that I have discussed the various subjects of this book with many trusted ex-ministers and there was an unmistakable common thought and common conviction that it is about time to reveal to the world the true picture of Iglesia Ni Cristo. The hypocrite INC ministers preach often on the sanctity of their lives. They feel this is necessary to be able to deceive INC members into believing their doctrines and in the holiness of their private lives. It is remarkable fact and quite understandable, psychologically, that the more vigorously an INC minister thunders the pulpit, the more guilty his conscience of these sins. I likened this religious organization unto white washed tombs which look beautiful outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean. They appear to be people as righteous but on the inside full of hypocrisy and wickedness. Remember Matthew 23:27 & 28? A great majority of INC from way, way up, to way, way down, were great teachers of morality and religious practices but mind you they did not honor these themselves. There is no doubt that the great majority of INC ministers in the ministry of this church have come to realize, just as many ex-members have done, the hypocrisy, intrigue and falsehood of INC. These are ministers who are fully convinced of the falsehood and hypocrisy, intrigue and falsehood of INC. These are ministers who are fully convinced of the falsehood and hypocrisy of this church but find it hard to leave the ministry. I have the Lord as the living witness that most ministers of this church say that if they were only assured of a good job, they would leave the church immediately. The greatest problem that keeps INC ministers in the ministry is FEAR. They fear the curse and persecution of church officialdom. Remember Dr. Melanio Gabriel and others. They also fear rebukes of some of their brethren and the loss of esteem and association of their families. They fear the gossip of their acquaintances and doubt that the real and sincere reasons why they left the ministry will be appreciated. Some of them, of course, fear for their lives. nyg Toronto, Canada Reply »|Report Abuse|Judge it!|#2Mar 20, 2013 Judged:Brilliant1Agree1 It’s a known fact that this church (INC) is no stranger when it comes to violence especially to defectors. Do I need to elaborate? I myself understand the risks of exposing this religious organization but I have to be loyal to God rather than (sic) men whoever they are. I prayed earnestly for this matter and I felt that the Lord instructed me not to be open publicly for security reasons and most of all because He has something more for me to do so I have to take care of myself. Telling you frankly, it takes years of meditation, observation and fervent prayer before I was able to make this supreme decision in my life not only to leave the church (INC) but also to expose the hidden truth about this organization. As far as I am concerned, it was indeed the most difficult decision I ever made. I dare say that only profound and sincere convictions could bring me to such a break. No one changes his career at 36 years of age unless he has strong reasons for doing so. No one, who is mentally well-balanced, enjoys seeing hundreds of his friends and relatives turn their backs upon him only because of a change of career. His motives must be sincere, and his convictions must rest on more than human grounds. He must leave his church and his career because he is convinced that Christ is his personal Saviour and he must accept the saving grace of the Lord and realize that his church (INC) is but a false religious organization. My dear readers, especially members of the INC, who keep my explanation in mind, will readily understand that I have not been a traitor to INC, but I have, on the contrary, embraced true and free Christianity. For me, the real Judas is the INC minister who knows the wickedness of the INC and yet clings to it for material gain or whatever. I assure the reading public that I am writing these lines with all sincerity of my Christian soul and only hope that by these I would be able to open the eyes of my former brethren (INC members) and most importantly proclaim Christ’s truth to the whole world. I have these parting words for everyone of you,“So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.” Matthew 10:26. Your brother in Christ, Miguel Garcia This was adapted from the book “The Only True Church? Iglesia ni Cristo: The Church of Christ from the Phlippines” by Robert Elliff. nyg Toronto, Canada
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 11:59:15 +0000

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