Confession for Today: Father, I thank You for sending Your Son - TopicsExpress


Confession for Today: Father, I thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to die in my place. Because of Adam I was born without Your precious Holy Spirit inside of me. Because of Adam I was born under the dominion of sin and death. But because of Jesus, I was redeemed from everything Adam did. In Jesus I have been forgiven of sin; ALL my sin. Past sin, present sin and future sin. I am in Christ and Christ is in me. Under this New Covenant You are merciful to my unrighteousness and my sins and iniquities, you remember no more! Not only that, but Jesus came to deal with death. Jesus took the sting out of death and robbed the grave of its victory. I am not afraid of dying, because I already died to self. My old man is dead and I alive in Christ. Death has no power over me. When I die physically, I will simply move from earth to glory, from mortal to immortality, from time to eternity! My old man is already dead and my new man shall live forever with You! And lastly Father, Jesus came to get Your precious Holy Spirit back! You were inside of Adam, but he severed the relationship. Under the Old Covenant You were not inside of men. Under the New Covenant You are back inside. I don’t have to visit Your presence in a temple... I AM THE TEMPLE and Your Holy Spirit lives in me. Not because I deserve His presence, but because You are committed to living in me by Grace! Thank You Father for being so good to me! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:19:03 +0000

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