Confessions of a celebrity trainer. Poker, Magic, Grilled Cheese - TopicsExpress


Confessions of a celebrity trainer. Poker, Magic, Grilled Cheese and tears. What a wonderful weekend! I am a classic introvert. I get filled up by being by myself and having quiet time. A great night for me is dinner and a movie. Its even okay (or better) if its at home. With that said, I do still like to go out sometimes. And of course its cool when one of my clients invites me to an awesome party. I still pinch myself that Im hanging with the cool kids. Of course, as luck would have it, I had two big events in one weekend. I thought I was ready. You dont want to walk into a Red Carpet Ready event, feeling anything than less than, especially if you want to feel confident and engaged. I was tanned, high-lighted and had a sparkly black mini (which I bought while madly shopping hours before but thats another story) paired with my favorite Jimmy Choos. The first event, I cant even tell you too much about. Very high security. We were asked not to share or post on social media (here). It was a charity poker night to raise money for 2 very worthwhile charities. The house where it was hosted, was spectacular! And so many heavy hitters! Even me, who works with this type of clientele was having a moment. I cant share much but I will tell you that Chris Hemsworth (Thor) is as gorgeous (or more) than you imagine. The auction was fun, everyone was beautiful and the food was great but what was best for me was connection with people I hadnt seen in a while. And of course one of the hosts, who is my most favorite person, ever! At the end of the day, its our relationships that matter. We want to feel connected. All of us. I left the first party around 8pm, and made a mad dash to Venice to the Microsoft Lounge. My client Poppy Montgomery and her husband @Shawn Sandford was hosting a night of magic. And it was truly magical. I am still blown away by seeing David Blaine, doing magic, up close and personal. I bent a coin in my hand!!!!!!!! I watched David Blaine do ridiculous stuff, inches from me. He is the real deal and super super cool!!!!! Honestly, one of the most awesome things I have ever experienced. The night was truly great. But it was a lot of energy out for me. Even though I did what I would tell you to do; eat before you go, choose protein, pace yourself. I did all of those things. But at 11pm when the The Grilled Cheese Truck showed up, I ordered and ate what seemed to be the best grilled cheese sandwich ever!!! Thank goodness no one Instramd that!! The next day, after emailing or texting people about the most amazing night ever, I cried. Not because Im sad but because Im spent. When I am surrounded by too much energy, even when its good, I get sad. I have to refill. I want to go eat Mexican food and lay in bed and watch movies. I attach my sadness to people or things but I have enough experience to know its not real. I know I will feel better tomorrow. So, heres what I do after the tears: Tonight, I will eat a a steak, get a massage and go to bed early. Tomorrow, I will share how I recover. Operation Sparkle is in effect. Countdown to the Oscars. (no, Im not going but I have a very busy week). I am not that much different than you. I just have some skills or tools, to put this train back on the track. I would love love love to know, are you an introvert or extrovert? So much love and then some lunges, Valerie xo
Posted on: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 03:12:14 +0000

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