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Confidence of Christ Ministries Daily Encouragement 1.18.2015 Jesus Spoke the Truth -- Always Yesterday, we wrote on the subject of “Dis-eased Relationships”. Evidently, for some, the message hit a “nerve”. As I have pondered the different responses, the Holy Spirit led me to Matthew 16:22-23 where we read the account of Peter strongly disagreeing with Jesus concerning the crucifixion. “Then Peter took Him (Jesus) aside to speak to Him privately, and began to reprove and charge Him sharply, saying, God forbid, Lord! This must never happen to you! But Jesus turned away from Peter and said to him, Get behind Me Satan! You are in My way – an offense and a hindrance and a snare to Me; for you are minding what partakes not of the nature and quality of God, but of men” The Amplified Bible. (Emphasis Added). Jesus spoke the truth in every relationship, no matter what. I’m sure that Peter was embarrassed, hurt, and probably a little confused by Jesus’ very curt response. As soon as Jesus spoke those words to Peter, He turned to the rest of the disciples and charged the by saying, “If any one desires to be My disciple, let him deny himself – that is, disregard, lose sight of and forget himself and his own interests – and take up his cross and follow Me [cleave steadily to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and if need be in dying, also.]” Matthew 16:24. What example did Jesus just demonstrate in relationship with Peter? – He spoke the truth. He set the record straight. Jesus lived only “one” life. He did not have His “ministry” lifestyle, and a different lifestyle at home or when He was alone with His disciples. Jesus said “I am the truth, the life, and the way.” I believe what the Holy Spirit is showing us is that if we want to operate in a higher level of God’s anointing, we have to be speaking the truth in every situation. We cannot have two different standards – one standard for public ministry, or sharing the Gospel and another in private friendships, business, and personal relationships. The double standard is a snare to us. It shuts down the divine flow of the Holy Spirit. Though that encounter with Jesus was surely not pleasant for Peter, we see a much different Peter on the day of Pentecost. He is the one who stood up and declared the truth and 3000 were added to the Church in one service. How is that for speaking the truth and getting fantastic results? Dear brothers and sisters, we know that Jesus is our soon-coming King. There is a huge harvest to be gathered in before He comes. He must have vessels of honor to pour His anointing through. If we do not judge ourselves in this manner, He will pass over us and choose another vessel. We must be able to stand before those who need the Gospel with hearts that are clean. Lives that the Devil cannot accuse and shut us down. There is no condemnation to anyone if you found yourself corrected by the Daily Encouragement yesterday. Just make the necessary adjustments, grow in this area, and move on with the Lord. He corrects those that are His and whom He loves. Rejoice, we are growing up into Him together. Grace and great grace to all, Dottie
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 23:28:36 +0000

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