Confidently Being Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ March 23 – - TopicsExpress


Confidently Being Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ March 23 – 30, 2014 Received by Julie Miller March 23, 2014 Before we really get this week’s message underway, we ask you to think of your own confidence level. Do you consider yourself overconfident, do you often times wish you had more confidence? As you question yourself regarding your own self-confidence the answers that will arise will provide you with sobering answers and possibly with new directions. Your ability to demonstrate self-confidence can be viewed by your capability to make decisions, your ability and willingness to try new things, and when life gets a little difficult you are able to manage your emotions. Dear souls that demonstrate a healthy level of self-confidence lives their life filled with passion and verve. Trust is easily given to such individuals which in turn benefits them with self-empowerment to build even more confidence. Unfortunately it is not always easy to create a cycle of consistent healthy self-confidence is it? How to begin building your own cycle of consistent healthy self-confidence begins with you looking into your ways and how effective you think you are when it’s time to perform certain tasks or to complete certain goals. Self-efficacy has a key role in influencing your basic levels of confidence. It is essential dear ones to understand early in your self-investigation on how you perform certain tasks or complete certain goals that self-efficacy and self-confidence are not the same. Try to keep in mind that your confidence is generalized; it has no specific strength of beliefs. Whereas self-efficacy is your belief of your own capabilities when it comes to achieving a specific goal or task. Think of an area where you may have higher self-efficacy. Look at your thinking patterns; where your emotions are, and how you are behaving – you will discover that they are working together in order to reinforce your ability to succeed and to improve your personal life. You are able to gain a great deal of personal satisfaction when everything is in place and working harmoniously together. You may find you are able to overcome sudden challenges a lot easier and you are not timid when facing new concepts or new things. When setbacks to occur, you are able to recover a lot more quickly than someone with low self-efficacy and low self-confidence. You are able to maturely view any error or failure as a result of external issues instead of blaming an internal weakness. When you believe in your abilities, this belief in turn will affect your motivation, your choices, your sturdiness and even your determination dear ones. It is now easy for you to comprehend that self-confidence is a by-product of self-efficacy and it does affect your performance of any specific task or goal and the level of satisfaction you are greeted with when all is done from the choices you made. It is important dear ones to understand your own current level of self-efficacy in the context of your beliefs and to understand how it affects your confidence when facing certain situations and events. By observing this part of your Self, you will be able to quickly identify truthfully and honestly the areas that require your attention for improvement that you are willing to commit to. When your confidence is at a healthy level, you are able to respect others a great deal more, but most importantly you are able to respect yourself. When you are honouring your Self, you are accepting your values, your principles before anyone or anything else – they are important to you. The more confidence you have of yourself and of your abilities the more trust you will have when it comes time to demonstrate your true and honourable self through your actions, words, thoughts, feelings and choices. Yes this means dear ones you must learn to listen and to respect your intuition even when you are feeling the slightest hint of fear; trust that there is always a legitimate reason for your feelings and if you allow yourself to quiet your over-thinking mind, you will be able to learn what it is that has created the fear or your inability to feel settled in a new situation and you will be able to come up with ways to overcome these feelings that also allow you to continue to honour yourself. You may find that when you trust your own inner self and intuition over the advice of others you will be met with their frustration, disappointment or even anger only because they want to tell you what to do. In addition these people that become angry when you choose for yourself truly feel that you are the cause of their happiness when in truth you are responsible for your own happiness and they are responsible for their own. It is important to not becoming caught up in the feeling that you need someone else’s approval before you do something and you shouldn’t give yourself unnecessary grief when you make a decision that is yours and you stick to it. When you honour your truth, you are honouring your total self at that moment. Only you really know what it is that you truly want and need. Others may have good intentions and may ‘think’ they know, but they only know what is good for them, and you are not them. It is important to recognize your own responsibility in any situation or event that you are part of. The dear souls that try to impose their beliefs and ways, or the ones that become angry because you listened to your inner self may not be the best individuals to spend your time with. For your own self-confidence to remain at a decent and healthy level it’s important to build a support group that is caring, loving and compassionate; one that resonates with your inner person. The more you are able to stay true to yourself, despite the strong influence by others to follow them has provided you with the strength and inner knowledge that you know and understand that it is you that is in charge of your emotions, feelings, actions and words – you will conclude with your own ability to reason if any relationship, task or goal is fulfilling or draining. Learning to listen to your inner self, what others may call intuition is an important part of maintaining a healthy level of self-confidence and self-efficacy. You will become more aware of anything that doesn’t resonate or bring peace to your life. Honouring yourself is not compromising your own needs or values just to please someone else. Your needs and values are equally important and deserving of respect. Remember dear ones, it is you that must put self-care and self-love first and to make time and appropriate energy each day that reflects your confidence and respect for yourself through reflection and connecting to your inner self. When you respect yourself, you have an inner knowing that requires no clarification or second guessing that you are already equal to every other dear soul that shares this earthly home with you. Even though you may be different, you are just as deserving of respect, success, happiness, love and appreciation as any other dear soul. The only thing that will prevent you from knowing this profound truth and from living from that truthful and confident space is your need to seek permission from others to feel and be happy. Dear ones, you don’t need anyone else’s permission to be happy. The moment you stop looking outside yourself for happiness or for approval is the moment you are able to confidently reassure yourself that you are good enough and that you are worthy of your own respect. Believe dear ones that you will find the solid ground to create a healthy cycle of confidence regardless of what is going on around you. And in the long run, your new confident choices will benefit others, but first they are to benefit you, to help you understand yourself from the inside and to learn how to share your newfound confidence of self with others while honouring who you are. Greet life with verve and enthusiasm, overcome your fears with understanding and gratitude because everything you have gone through is filled with information and knowledge for the next stages in your life that are going to be even better, more thrilling and exciting. Let the difficult challenges come, greet them with love and remember no matter what you choose to do, it is your choice and no one else’s. Believe in yourself; believe in your values. Remember who you are – You are a Child of God and God is always with you…lean on Him during any time you need a little boost of strength and know He’ll never turn away from you. I AM Melchizedek… …through Julie Miller
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:15:03 +0000

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