Confused Values: Blacks Spending Their Money To Buy European - TopicsExpress


Confused Values: Blacks Spending Their Money To Buy European Beauty. -------------------------------------------- Now, any black individual who is alive today that does not know about The Transatlantic Slave Trade where Africans were brought to the New World and transformed into slaves has suffered a natural lobotomy and they are existing in a state of mental decapitation. When the Africans became the possessions of Europeans, they were recreated in their European owners own image and likeness. They were given names by their new owners in the same way a dog that is taken from the pound into someones home is given a new name from the name it was called by before. The African who was previously a person was made into an object. His dignity and autonomy were destroyed. He now had to worship the European God that he was given; speak the European language he was forced to learn; behave in accordance with the European customs and traditions he was taught and adopt and apply European values to his way of life. The African identity was totally and permanently erased. These former Africans became Europeans in every way except one: physical features. Can you picture a cat with all features of a cat behaving like a dog? Thats the imagery that comes to mind. The cat does not look like a dog physically, but its behavior is completely that of a dog. The cat might have an issue when it looks at real dogs and see that these dogs dont look like him physically. It will begin to feel different in the sense that it is missing the physical appearance that will make him whole or complete. Therefore, his focus will be consumed with changing his appearance to look more like a real dog. Now, those of you that are not the average Joe know exactly where I am going with this. As blacks, many of us would lie about it, but the truth is, we have an inferior complex when we compare ourselves to the European Beauty Standard. Correct me if I am wrong, but I dont know of a separate Beauty Standard for African People. The only Beauty Standard I am aware of is the one created by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach based on Georgians. This is the premier standard in beauty of pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Asians and other Europeans who lack these features also experience these insecurities, but they do to a lesser extent. It is easier for them to change their eye color and hair color and blend into the beauty model, but for us blacks, skin color is the indelible sin that permanently bans us from fitting in. Nonetheless, we have found ways to improvise. If we cant have the natural European beauty, we can purchase the closest thing to it. Thus, we have become a large consumer of everything European from hair to handbags. If its made by European designers, it must be beautiful, so we spend our money to buy European beauty. However, we will never call ourselves Europeans. No! To do that would be an insult to our African heritage. We are true Africans even though we worship a European God, speak a European language; practice European mores and customs; and (wink wink) look like Europeans. Talk about a pig wearing lipstick! Boy, this is inherently confusing... I will just tell you right now that I am European - created in his image and likeness.. Dont get offended. Think about why you are broke spending all of your money to fit into the physical model of European Beauty... Hair Weave, clothing... , etc etc.. Infinite love
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 10:17:16 +0000

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