Congo - Brazzaville : Thursday, March 6, 2014 Fake census for - TopicsExpress


Congo - Brazzaville : Thursday, March 6, 2014 Fake census for skewed elections, election tragicomedy The next elections will they be based on a census overused and unworthy risk lead to the same abominations that discredit the electoral process in our country? It can never be said enough that ridicule does not kill. As also often a wise saying in my country that politics is the art of lying . Especially if it is animated by actors whose character borders on indecency and mediocrity. The first partial census results show , according to the Government , the Northern regions of the country have all exploded demographically certifying economic and social force , improving the living conditions of populations for whom they accuse a growth rate 45 % on Congolese territory . How many industries have been established in the northern regions of the country that can justify such a craze ? How many industries and commercial companies spread the economic dynamism of these regions to attract as many Congolese ? How many university centers have been established in these areas would cause the exodus of young people for educational purposes ? How many social housing units were located in these regions would welcome this influx , even if it was proven populations from one or spontaneous generation ? The departure of a large number of people leaving cities like Brazzaville , Pointe- Noire, Dolisie , Nkayi Mossendjo , Loutété and Mouyondzi is clearly observed only by the eyes of members of the government have laid this tissue of lies . The reign of tampering , cheating , falsification at the top of the State The results of this survey show to the world the power of immorality Sassou who absolutely wants to cling to power beyond 2016. Even supporters will be hard to sustain such a result , because it will be impossible to demonstrate that their southern regions were emptied of their populations less attractive destinations for North regions. The assumption , that this imbalance is the result of violence and massacres perpetrated by the power of Sassou simply attest that this same power acknowledges killing large numbers of people in the South to reverse the demographic trend of the Congo. No need to procrastinate on a census that shines a blatant lie that honors those who have not responded even less political class long clinging to selfish interests and personal , which endorse such nonsense with the charade of consultation of EWO and Dolisie . We invite today to go discuss these results within the Congolese population. The PAD UPADS and just spend reports of the highest importance to the census of the Congolese population as it was made in 2013 by the dying regime of Denis Sassou Nguesso. Result of a long and meticulous work , comparing the procedures used and the results exhibited by the autocratic power of Oyo with international standards , it follows that the elections this year and 2016 will necessarily be biased because it is the census himself was rigged . Political parties and civil society organizations who participated in the political consultations Ewo Dolisie and let themselves be fooled , and it is the Congolese who are the first to pay the price of this blindness under the pretext of practicing electoral consensus. We invite you to read the details of this latest masquerade of power Sassouiste by visiting the following link: The census results were published by the Party for Democratic Change (CSA) regarding 9 departments , 4 are considered the south . All to see the number of voters decline : Kouilou ( 30,217 potential voters against 45,977 in 2007 ) -52% Niari ( against 96 231 115 635 ) , -20% Pool ( 92,824 against 118,297 ) -27% Bouenza ( 112,894 against 154,536 ) -37% The total shows an overall loss of 132 496 voters or a percentage of 44% 5 are in the north, they see a huge increase in the number of voters identified : Likouala ( 121,881 against 77,057 ) , 58 % Bowl ( 121,213 against 78,022 ) , 55 % Sangha ( 60,622 against 42,869 ) , 41 % Cuvette-Ouest ( 44,412 against 36,499 ) , 22 % Plates ( 116,913 against 87,295 ) . 34 % The total shows an overall increase of 143,299 voters or a percentage of 45% The overall differential is therefore 275,795 voters in 7 years between the south and north. We eagerly await the results of Lékoumou (South) who have very little chance to reverse the trend , and those of large cities (Brazzaville and Pointe -Noire) we can easily integrate these statistics account holding the big ethnic diversity of their populations. What can we conclude ? Hypothesis 1: The governments efforts to develop the attractions of the north, among others through the creation of jobs and the creation of basic infrastructure for successful and people have made a massive migration to the northern regions. Arithmetic : 7 years = 1825 days 132498 voters moving families is half or more than 36 migrant families every day with their furniture ( assuming that the exodus began immediately and was regular) It should not go unnoticed , which has seen them ? Where were they staying ? Their absence from the place of departure is it verifiable ? Hypothesis 2: Statisticians we made a slight miscalculation they will soon rectify . Hypothesis 3: An explosive epidemic decimated the populations of the south while the evolution of the birth rate in the north detonated demographics. Hypothesis 4: Obviously very unlikely there would be fraud. Opposition parties refuse these results have good reason to think they are turkeys a carefully orchestrated by the government and they have done well farce having to Dolisie after experiencing Ewo . We let you enter .
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 23:44:55 +0000

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