Congo is today a disaster because of happened on January 17, - TopicsExpress


Congo is today a disaster because of happened on January 17, 1961… The assassination of Patrice Lumumba on false accusations that he was a communist (the equivalent of being wrongly accused to be a terrorist today) is in fact a cover-up of usurpation of power by Mobutu and his backers at that time to control the natural resources of the Congo… 54 years later, Congo is on the same path of another usurpation… Joseph Kabila came in the office under troubling circumstances of the assassination of Laurent-Désiré Kabila in 2001… He was supported to legitimate his rule with a constitution that he signed. He changed the rules of elections in 2011 because he knew that he would lose them if those rules were unchanged… At that time he didn’t find any excuse of delaying the election with a census… If it is confirmed that Kabila is preparing an unconstitutional prolongation of his term beyond 2016 or that he wants change of the constitution to allow him becoming in fact the king of the Congo, such coup d’État would be another usurpation that will maintain Congo under another tyranny and despotism for a long time. The United States of America has a huge moral and historic responsibility on what has happened to the Congo during these last 54 years. We call on President Obama and the US Congress to use all the means they have at their disposal to end the long process of usurpation that makes Congo the land of violence, misery, despotism, tyranny and oppression. The United States of America has an historical opportunity to be fair and just to the people of the Congo by not letting Joseph Kabila becoming another Mobutu… Au peuple Congolais: ce pays est ce qu’il est à cause de ce qui arriva le 17 janvier 1961. La destitution de Lumumba et sa mort furent le début du long processus d’usurpation de pouvoir qui a fait de ce pays l’enfer sur terre qu’il est aujourd’hui... Joseph Kabila arriva au pouvoir dans les circonstances totalement troublantes de l’assassinat de Laurent-Désiré Kabila... Le peuple congolais accepta qu’il fît légitimer son pouvoir par la promulgation d’une constitution qui lui interdit deux mandats... En 2011, Joseph Kabila changea des règles pour se faire élire puisqu’il savait que sans ce changement, il n’aurait jamais gagné ces élections... Si Joseph Kabila cherche à rester de manière inconstitutionnelle au pouvoir au-delà de 2016, ce sera tout simplement une autre usurpation du pouvoir exactement comme Mobutu le fut en assassinant Lumumba et faisant du pays sa propriété privée... Nous en appelons au peuple congolais de ne pas accepter une telle usurpation... Ceux de la majorité actuelle au pouvoir et qui sont des vrais lumumbistes ne peuvent pas cautionner une telle usurpation... Ce serait assassiner Patrice Lumumba pour la deuxième fois...
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 04:40:20 +0000

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