Congrats to our Athlete of the Month... Name: Michael - TopicsExpress


Congrats to our Athlete of the Month... Name: Michael Ranger When did you start doing CrossFit? November 2013 Favorite WOD? I like the WODs with the 21-15-9 or any other descending rep scheme. As long as it is not front rack lunges. Least Favorite WOD? Do not enjoy the WODs with 100 plus of anything. Oh and maybe any WOD with a farmer carry with barbell over 200M. Favorite Lift? Actually like thrusters but usually not at RX weight.....just saying. Just feel like it hits on all areas from top to bottom. Least Favorite Lift? Front Rack Lunges - just cant get my wrists to feel comfortable and my balance is way off. Heck I do not even like the walking lunges for warm-up. Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, military, interests, etc.) Married To Jennifer Purcell Ranger, we have 3 boys (Ethan / Kilian / Harrison). I love to travel and spend time with family and friends at the lake during the spring and summer months. What were you doing before CrossFit? Limited visits to the gym that I was a member. What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit workout? Damn....this is what a real workout feels like. What were your goals when joining CrossFit? To lose at least 20-30 pounds. Reduce body fat percentage. Gain muscle mass. Have you achieved any of those goals? I am well on my way. The weight has been lost. Body fat is dropping and I am certainly getting stronger. May just register for the OPEN next (He WILL) Has CrossFit affected your life outside of the gym? Overall just more energy throughout the day and feeling better than I have in many years. It certainly helps that I have lost 30 plus pounds. Do you have any other special memories/achievements during your time here? Well I can actually do a pull-up without a band now. I have also managed to RX a few WODs but not many. I have progressed from 20 box jump to 24 woot...woot!!! What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit 4042? Attend class on a regular schedule and just put your own best effort in to each class. You will without a doubt see results. Something you might not know about me is? I am from Montreal, Canada originally.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:20:53 +0000

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