Congratulations Charlotte of our Lymm class on the birth of her - TopicsExpress


Congratulations Charlotte of our Lymm class on the birth of her little boy, Joseph! another determined lady willing to use as much of her knowledge as she could to try get things moving herself! Super duper proud of a strong mummy and gorgeous baby boy :-) Here is my birth story for you to share... My due date came and went and was beginning to feel quite poorly ( turns out i had an infection of some sort giving me flu like symptoms). I now think that my body was waiting for me to feel better before going into labour. At 6 days late had sweep number 1 with no joy-cervix 1cm but not very soft. At 9 days late had another sweep- cervix still 1cm but a little softer- but no sign of labour! So feeling a failure i convinced myself I was going to end up on a drip for labour and have an awful experience i was soooo wrong. Got to hospital at 12 days over for my induction. I was examined and I was 2.5cms dilated. At 12pm Midwives decided to break my waters and give me 2hrs to progress on my own before going on a drip. feeling positive i was determined to get things moving on my own. I got on the birth ball and just kept rotating. Contractions started at 1.15 close together but manageable with centred breathing. Was examined at 4pm and was 5cms asked for paracetamol and the midwife laughed her head off saying were a little bit past that now... how about you try the pool? Lol! So got in pool and got by on escalator breath and gas and air for a couple of hours. At just before 5.30pm felt like i needed to push but midwife didnt think i was ready to so had a little freak out as felt like id lost control of my body and couldnt stop pushing. I was then examined and was 7cm. I then did ask for pain relief as was disheartened i wasnt 10cm. Regained a little bit of focus as my contractions slowed a little. By 6pm midwife let me start pushing. I had to get out of the pool as couldnt get into a good position. Got on all fours on the bed and was starting to get very tired so we tried on my side. At about 7.15 the baby dr came in to have a look at me and see about an assisted delivery. She gave me an 8pm deadline before shed have to intervene. This gave me the incentive i needed and after about 30mins Joseph was here! Apparently i was making noises which sounded like get ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttt so im guessing that was my version of the outbreath! Joseph was born at 7.53pm weighing 9lbs 2oz. I had to have a few stitches but only because his hand was up by his head as he came out making things very difficult! All in all a magical surreal experience. So thankyou Lisa! I couldnt have done it without you! I will wholeheartedly recommend the classes to all the pregnant ladies out there! The techniques helped with the pain, speeded everything up and helped me regain focus when i needed to. Thanks again! Love Charlotte and Joseph! Xxx P.s. sorry for spelling mistakes and grammar! We had a long night! Lol! Hoping Charlotte doesnt mind us sharing a photo shortly :-)
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 09:57:54 +0000

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