Congratulations to the EFM Port Adelaide Jolly Rogers MUDDERS the - TopicsExpress


Congratulations to the EFM Port Adelaide Jolly Rogers MUDDERS the words strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie this was us crew .we sloshed our way under barbed wire muddy creeks, the mud mile, vertical walls, roman rings, vertical cargo nets that you had to launch at over water, freezing ice, electro shock therapy, slippery giant ramps that you had to run at,the list goes on....How did we fair well our noses still drip mud (and other parts do as well) muscles ache, we have bruises and scraps and some of us cramped bad! I have a sinus infection that may need antibiotics. Sounds like fun ….yeah! some might say Why do you do this to yourself? Here is why we do it: 1. Fitness – there is no better way to test yourself! How hard do you actually train?? 2. Goals: these type of events are great motivation and give you something to train and look forward to. 3. Camaraderie: in fact I think this should be no: 1 – like-minded people helping each other out…encouraging…motivating…. Laughing 4. Fun: Yes maybe not the whole time you are running ….swimming in mud….falling in water ….rinsing your sinus’s in something that does not bear thinking about but when we all had finished it I think we would all agree it was FUN! We HAD SURVIVED I would recommend anyone to sign up for a great team event day out, but make sure you train for it Would we do it again - HELL YEAH! #EFMFit
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 21:53:57 +0000

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