Congratulations to the entire list of websites mentioned for - TopicsExpress


Congratulations to the entire list of websites mentioned for impacting decisions on the part of parents who are now considering their options more carefully and with more knowledge in their hands. Now suppose, just suppose, that the reason toxic, dangerous and ineffective "treatments" like vaccination are pushed by globalist agencies like the UN and all of its component organizations, is not simply to generate fabulous amounts of money by vaccinating and then reaping the down-stream rewards. Suppose there were another reason: that vaccine-damaged people are not only financially productive for the globalists, they are also perfect "deltas", as Aldous Huxley called them in Brave New World: technicians who are easily controlled, easily used, easily discarded and who are created in limitless numbers through chemical alterations. That, in essence, is the England Hypothesis, named after pioneering investigative journalist and mother of two grown autistic (vaccine injured) sons. Like a good hypothesis, it explains the overservable data better than any other hypothesis and predicts the behavior of the international agencies: they will continue to attack the sources of conflicting information and push forward pseudoscience which serves their goals. Just as they are doing against Green Medicine and the other truth in vaccination sites mentioned. The Natural Solutions Foundation, DrRimaTruthReports and TRUTHAboutAgenda21 also provide compelling science based information on vaccination and its relationship to the global plans for subjugation and control of the population. Please visit them for more information, complementary ebooks and other resources. The battle is very real. The stakes are very high. I congratulate the sites UNICEF has attacked as being on the front lines in the Truth Wars! Yours in health and freedom, Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation. DrRimaTruthReports TRUTHAboutAgenda21
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 06:04:20 +0000

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