Congratulatory Message! Today, I want to congratulate every - TopicsExpress


Congratulatory Message! Today, I want to congratulate every winner and participant in the December 20, 2014 special senatorial elections. Indeed we have made some strides as a people and a nation befitting to live in a civilized world where we can agree to disagree and express ourselves through the ballot boxes. Campaign is over, the people spoke through the ballots and it is time to forge ahead with our diverse agendas for the good of Liberia. I want to thank the people of Liberia who braved the ravaging effects of Ebola and came out to make their voices heard through the ballots. Thanks to the National Elections Commission for a job well done, in-spite of some irregularities and complaints in the process. It is getting far better than several years ago when there was just a one party rule and governing decisions rendered by an elite few as well as eventually using the barrel of the guns to channel our grievances which only worsened our countrys condition leaving it fragile and unstable. Thanks to all international partners, the Liberian security and the United Nation Security for keeping the peace and stability of Liberia. My focus is drawn to one particular candidate in this gone special senatorial elections. My heartfelt congratulations to George Manneh Weah for his landslide victory in Montserrado County. Indeed, the people have sent a clear message about what they have craved for so long in many years-healing! My overt support to Ambassador Weah in his senatorial bid and as he braces to get officially installed into office stems from a long and careful overview of several factors: 1. Healing: when Winston Tubman said in his 2005 endorsement speech that in Weah there is healing for Liberians and in Ellen there is none, I was deeply moved and intrigued as I was left to ponder on these for 9 years, today. What good is a nation and society that lacks healing? Healing comes with truth, justice, and reconciliation. After several years Im of the surest convictions that indeed healing is the first and foremost needed for a society to forge ahead after a brutal civil war that left a wounded and destitute masses . 2. Over almost 167 years, most folks have argued on the line of education in the form of degrees and elite connections to be the solution for a transformational Liberia. I disagree with this concept that has misled people for a long time as the final straw is in the glaring dismal performance of the Ivy League Havard graduate. This has brought me to the conclusion that despite the fact technocrats who can build our sectors giving their specialty through education, we need a factor and symbol that can bring everyone together to believe in their various dreams. Someone who two rivals and strongly opposing groups can unite to support. By far in Liberian politics, George Manneh Weah is the person. 3. My uncle (and mentor) once told me that education is a change in character from an assertion by one of his professors in his graduate school year. Another great man stated that education is when the mind has been stretched. So you see, education is not only about the degrees. However, I must hasten to acknowledge that I believe in academics, respect those who have spent years to earn a college degree and a need for technocrats with specialized knowledge to build a vibrant society. But it all goes hand in hand. Leadership can be a divine gift as well as the people choice. We need a unifier, a symbol of hope and a healer. Someone who gives the people a reason to believe again. To believe that everyone no matter what your background is can rise to higher heights and have no limits placed on what he/she can do. 4. George Manneh Weah is that symbol of hope, restoration and healing. In him there is something every Liberian, especially the ailing masses, can clinch on to be reassured that living in the slum, playing soccer, marble, selling in markets, being street venders are no limitations to breaking through and coming out of the clutches of poverty to rise to world prominence, be a philanthropist, world best, advocate and even a transformational figure who can leave a mark for all disenfranchised kids to know there is a good end result in perseverance and courage. As the clock ticks faster to 2015, I call on all well wishers, supporters and even the opposition to respect the dictates of a healing symbol. To recognize that for 9 years the people of Liberia in the majority have demonstrated what they believe is the way forward and healing for them, no matter what we the critical minds may have anticipated. It is no secret that since Weah entered the Liberian political arena, he has been the people choice even though some technical and power played politics gave us an Ivy League Harvard graduate who some thought would transform the system and set the foundation straight . But that concept eluded us when we found ourselves with a system three times corrupt than the Tolbert, Doe, Taylor and all interim presidents era combined. Let us now constructively put our hands around this national treasure, offer our suggestions, lend our visions-as we may not have another time to espouse the beautiful things we envisioned for our country- to our contemporary national treasure and icon. I also call on the Congress of Democratic Change and the senator elect to remain open to criticisms and suggestions from all sides for the betterment of Liberia. In our own respective families there are criticisms and oppositions and we must respect that all these things go hands in hands for a good growth. Again I congratulate all the contestants and winners of the just ended special senatorial elections. God bless you all and may He guide and watch over Liberia. I bid you Peace and Light!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:47:25 +0000

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