Congress and Opposition parties shading crocodile tears? Pl - TopicsExpress


Congress and Opposition parties shading crocodile tears? Pl read this excellent article and share. Enough is Enough - Justice MUST be DONE! RSS plans to convert 4,000 Christian & 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism Read more at: economictimes.indiatimes/articleshow/45442684.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst ---------------------------------------------- Our Take: Excellent! We deeply WELCOME THIS and explain our reasoning for saying so... Punyashlok Raja Shivrai - AD. 1630 to 1680 Since the day, likes of MAHMOOD of GHAZNI, MUHAMMAD GHORI & later rest of those BARBARIANS, set their FEET in this HOLY & SACRED LAND OF GODS called HINDUSTAN (Circa AD 1200 onwards ..), RAPE, MURDERs, LOOT, CARNAGE became the order of the day & a daily ritual for these MUGHAL INVADERS. Forced CONVERSIONS, destruction of HINDU TEMPLES & PROPERTIES, COW SLAUGHTERINGS etc became a SPORT.. The HORRORS unleashed by these MUGHAL INVADERS on the LOCAL POPULATION & THEIR PROPERTIES including the LIVESTOCK, were so GORY & BEASTLY that we shiver even to PEN & DESCRIBE THEM for the fear of offending sensibilities of MODERN READERS.. ( ...The savagery can perhaps be only compared to the savagery unleashed by the NAZI thugs on innocents JEWS at the camps of AUSCHWITZ etc...) The DOWNFALL of HINDUSTAN BEGAN from 1200 AD after these BARBARIC MUGHAL INVASIONS..... ......until EMPEROR PUNYASHLOK SHIVRAI rose in the DECCAN (todays Maharashtra & Karnataka) to STOP this ANIMAL SAVAGERY of MUGHALS and to create a HINDU EMPIRE in 1670 AD at south of VINDHYA MOUNTAINS, which, by 1750 AD ,had EXPANDED till ATTOCK in the NORTH, in todays PAKISTAN..(..PAKISTAN was PART OF INDIA like AFGHANISTAN too.. ) One of the MOST FORWARD LOOKING, MODERN yet PRAGMATIC, PRACTICE was put in the PLACE by EMPEROR SHIVAJI was to RE-CONVERT those back to the HINDU COMMUNITY, who were under FORCE, TERROR or ALLUREMENTS, were BEING CONVERTED TO First by MUSLIMS (..& later by this blasted CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY MAFIA..) Emperor SHIVAJI also realized the LACUNAE like CASTISM in HINDU SOCIETY & its EXPLOITATION by some, for personal POWER. He also realized the problems of POVERTY etc in the HINDU SOCIETY and put FORWARD SOCIAL REFORMS & POLICIES that tried to eliminate the social ills. Emperor SHIVAJIs foresight knew that unless he DOES THAT, ( Re-Convert those cheated ) MUSLIMS & & CHRISTIANS, which GREW ON THE POWER OF SWORD & BUTCHERY, would take advantage of HINDU FAITHs loose structure.. As point of illustration, SHIVAJI set his own example, by GIVING HIS OWN DAUGHTER to NETAJI PALKAR in the MATRIMONY, whom SHIVAJI had RE-CONVERTED back to HINDUISM.. What a MAN & LEADER Emperor Shivaji was! He was an AVATAR of VISHNU for sure..! Here some light must be SHED on the nature of HINDUISM & its BASIC CONCEPTS:- Actually there is nothing called as CONVERSION or RE-CONVERSION to HINDUISM. This might surprise MOHAMMEDANS & CHRISTIANS who have a VERY RIGID & NARROW view of their own RELIGION & its WAYS.. However, the very WORD HINDU was not even COINED until after the BIRTH of CHRIST. The tribes & nomads from MIDDLE-EAST-ASIA, coined this term called HINDU! When these tribes came to INDIA by crossing HIMALAYAS, they realized that the PEOPLE LIVING in the BASINS of SINDHU & OTHER RIVERS lived with certain SUPERIOR, PIOUS & ENLIGHTENED WAY of LIFE. ( This way-of-life was CALLED as SANATANA DHARMA for thousands of Years before it was NAMED as HINDU DHARMA. ) These ARABS or NOMADS called the PEOPLE LIVING in the VALLEY of SINDHU as HINDU ( Because the S becomes H, or pronounced as H, in ARABIAN languages..) On HINDU CASTE SYSTEM:- Similarly much EXPLOITED CASTE SYSTEM, was, actually, an INDICATIVE OF ONEs CHOSEN PROFESSION or KARMA. IT had nothing to do with BIRTH & acquired SUPERIORITY or INFERIORITY.. ( For example, we are told TAILORS at SAVILE ROW STREET in the LONDON, UK, for generations stitched the dresses for the Royals & Lords..By that logic they acquired the CASTE of TAILOR or ( Shimpi in Marathi or Darji in Urdu ) ) There are several EXAMPLES in VEDAS, RAMAYANA or MAHABHARATA, that a person BORNE in the LOWER caste or PROFESSION, could acquire HIGHER CASTE to advance HIMSELF in the SOCIETY by acquiring EDUCATION, EFFORT & INDUSTRY. ( As few quick examples, out of many such, Maharishi Vishwamitra, Gautam Buddha, Maharishi Valmiki, Nishadraaj Eklavaya etc rose to PROMINENCE despite having borne in LOWER CLASS or CASTE or PROFESSION.. ) Conclusion:- Therefore, after having outlined our reasoning, WE DEEPLY WELCOME HOME-COMINGS of all HINDUs and WELCOME these RE CONVERSIONS. Further WE DEMAND that GOVT. MUST PUNISH SEVERELY for the PERPETRATORS of FORCED CONVERSIONS..It is a CRIME by INDIAN LAW, that MUST be ENFORCED to PUT A STOP to these ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES.. LAW MUST BE UPHELD and JUST REMEDY MUST BE APPLIED as REQUIRED!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:52:30 +0000

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