Congress partys #PriyankaChaturvediWrites on the 100 days of - TopicsExpress


Congress partys #PriyankaChaturvediWrites on the 100 days of #NotSoACHHEDIN’ “Rome was not built in a day”, “You can’t judge the government based on 100 days of its record” are some of the excuses that we have been hearing from those in power at the Centre now. Watch Some videos It sounds very reasonable until you recollect that these were the very same people that spoke for months of miraculously changing the economy, security and governance of this nation merely by having this government in power. For them, 100 days ought to 100 days too many. Yes this post is about the first 100 days of this ‘acche din’ wali Sarkar. This post is my reminder to our dear Prime Minister that time is ticking away and there are promises to keep. Watch Some videos Attending any TV debate during the run up to the election we had the BJP spokespersons talk on, rather shout at the top of their voices on the five issues that BJP was campaiging on. Narendra Modi himself left no stone unturned in talking about those issues at every election rally, besides taking cheap potshots at his political opposition, something which he continues to do even now while touring foreign countries. The stature can’t change the mindset, it seems. The five issues which became Modi’s poll issues were: corruption, inflation, border safety, economy, and women safety. So what has he achieved or rather attempted to achieve on these fronts in these 100 days? I can safely say zilch, nada, sifar. Our PM is busy focusing on putting up a show that he is a one man army in the government thereby reducing the stature of his cabinet. More than any issue of governance, he seems obsessed with his sartorial choices and being seen as a global statesman. Watch Some videos We had heard a lot on corruption earlier yet we have seen no action on the bills pending in the parliament to make the anti corruption laws stronger. What we see now instead is the C-word being used by senior ministers to spread rumours about their own cabinet colleagues. There were convicted MLAs in Mr Modi’s cabinet in Gujarat and we now see corruption tainted people holding important posts within the ruling party. We heard this PM talk a lot about not having tainted MPs in his cabinet but 12 of his cabinet colleagues face charges on various issues, some of them as heinous as rape and attempt to murder. They hold on to their posts despite a ‘moral call’ reminder from the Supreme Court in its verdict recently. Is this the only instance of going back on their campaign promises? No, wait there’s more. Watch Some videos For the aam aadmi, acche din is when their pocket has enough money to buy essential goods at reasonable rates. Remember your ad campaign Bahut hui mehengai ki maar, Mr PM? Well Sir, we can keep talking about GDP and positive economic outlook but if that does not convert into reasonable prices you have lost your aam aadmi connect. Increasing inflation, increased rail fare and shooting prices of essential commodities have seen zero initiative from you to curb the burgeoning prices. This government has been unsuccessful in living up to its promises that it made to the people. The promise to bring back hundreds of billions black money within 100 days of assuming power is yet another example of the lies the ruling party has thrived on. Where are the Ramdevs and Kiran Bedis today who promised of all the black money returning within 100 days of Mr Modi becoming the PM? Watch Some videos The sar nahin jhukne denge was their campaign anthem about securing country’s borders. The chappan inch chaati would ensure that no jawan lost his life at the border. Now consider the recent statement by the Border Security Force that since this government has come into power there have been highest border firings since 1971 from Pakistan. Soldiers killed on the LoC have not received a tweet or statement from the PM who is willing to issue a statement on allegations made against a minister’s son. Just goes to expose this government’s priorities when it comes to our brave soldiers. Incursions by China when they were in opposition has now been labelled as transgressions as our boundaries are not clearly demarcated. The Chinese government loves the new flaccid stance of the PM and has lapped it up. But between the LoC skirmishes on Pakistan and incursions by China, the hypocrisy of this government and the man who leads the government speaks for itself. Watch Some videos Remember the naari samaan ads during campaigning? That was talk, when it came to walking the talk the government in its budget totally failed to live up to its promises. To add to the misery, we have irresponsible and shameful comments from their elected leaders and the remote control centre at Nagpur. The PM has not found it fit to rebut or censure them. Perhaps he is too busy playing flute or drums. After all, didn’t Nero also play the fiddle as Rome burnt. The only swiftness we have seen from this sarkaar is in anointing Yogi Adityanath as a star campaigner in Uttar Pradesh for the bypolls. That man has a proven track record of stoking communal flames. We have seen swift action from the party in promoting the so-called Love Jihad. We have witnessed the growing interference of HRD ministry in all independent areas of education. We have seen the ruthlessness with which the media is being treated. We have seen crude attempts to take the credit for all the UPA schemes. We have heard lots of promises being made, and lots of applause-seeking plans but where is the action? It is not about reaching the destination in the first three months of a five-year tenure. But have we even been put on the road that will take us to the promised destination. Well for that….100 days are surely enough, isn’t it Mr Prime Minister? Let me end this with another of your ad campaign lines: ye janta maaf nahin karegi. Yes Sir, as the recent bypolls have shown, the people of this country won’t forgive you if you don’t walk the talk.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 07:51:05 +0000

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