Congressman Thornberry I am of the utmost interested in you - TopicsExpress


Congressman Thornberry I am of the utmost interested in you supporting THe Committe on Veterans Affairs when they mirror the S.851 that is before the Senate as we speak. No Veteran should ever be Left Behind nor should they be discriminated against with any program offered to Veterans regardless of whether they served pre 911 or post 911. THese combat Veterans shed thier blood then , today n, and tommorow just the same when they accepted the Call of Duty our great Country requested of them when the need arose. I am writing you in regards in support of s.851 when it becomes mirrored from the Committe on Veterans Affairs.. Much pain and effort has preceded the writing of this letter. You see, I am a Spouse of a Highly Decorated Vietnam Veteran who is 100% P&T from Service Connected Physical , Medical, and Mental wounds resulted from his tour in 1969. Yes, that has been a while ago. However, it does just seem as if it was just yesterday to my Veteran. Om May 18,1969 My Husband came under an enemy rocket, mortar and ground attack while manning a Quad 50. His Quad 50 took a direct hit from a rocket-propelled grenade destroying the weapon and mortally wounding two of his comrades. He was awarded the Silver Star for his heroic action. However, He has PTSD has a result of it. His physical wounds at the time of the attack healed in time however the medical issues from the effects of Agent Orange has left his body riddled with many physical /medical health issues that are extremely serious. I have been married to my Hero for over 30 years and I am not only his wife but privileged to be His caregiver. Although it is a privilege it is a very exhausting commitment. I prefer not to call it a job because I firmly believe when I married him I made a commitment before my God and my Husband to take care of Him in Sickness and Health till death do us part. On an average day I wake up to see if he is still here in the morning. I scoot slowly over touching my toe to his lower extremity seeing if his body is warm or it is cold. Thus far with many scares he is still with us. Many times the C-pap and Oxygen Concentrator ‘s sound is comforting but as we all know these machines will continue until they are manually shut off regardless of whether he is still with us or not. Nights are so much longer than days. Many nights I have to make unscheduled meals after attempting with glucose tablet, liquid glucose, and whatever is at my disposal hopefully reaching a sustainable sugar level where an ambulance will not have to be called. Sometimes I am successful at this with many times I am not. If an ambulance is called I certainly will not have any sleep before the next night when this routine is once again repeated. If the night is a success I start the laundry for his ever detesting rear end alignment problem. Yes , the VA supply diapers but they did not contain the problem he has. I monitor his medications and blood test at the least 7 times a day. That alone is a full time job within itself. Monitoring and administering proper medications just comes natural after all these years. When the sugar is high or low moods swings are an everyday ordeal. Diet is highly restricted. I must watch constantly for even a few pounds of weight gain or loss because of the renal failure. Swelling of the feet could be the renal failure or the thrombosis in the lining of his lungs which are Service Connected. Either way it is never a good sign and one I see way too often. No matter what he drinks which is limited to solely water and Zero Sprite because of diet limitations dehydration is a constant problem. He needs water but not too much because of the thrombosis but enough to keep the kidneys working as best as they can. I must assist in dressing him because of his mobility problems. Shoes must be worn as a precaution of injuries to the feet as a complication of diabetes. He is unable to do either task on his own. I must be available to assist transfers from his recliner also as a precaution from multiple falls, Yes, we do have invisible wounds. My Husband has PTSD! I must remember that is the cost of War. It is a high cost to not only the Veteran but to his Spouse and family as well. IF treatment had been available sooner such as it is today I entertain the thought his life could have taken a better path. He seeks counseling for his issues and without it I do not know if we would have made it. However, this help did not come until the late 1990’s. Counseling is ongoing although many days are difficult I must remember the hard work he strives for in handling a problem for which for so long was not acknowledged by the VA so therefore Counseling concerning this invisible wound was vastly delayed. I often ponder what life could have been for him if PTSD had of been acknowledged as it is today! I must travel with my Husband to and from his Doctors visits at the Oklahoma City VA Medical. I prefer the trips when he occupies my vehicle because I can tell you it gut wrenching when you are following close behind an ambulance transporting your husband from the local Trauma Center to the VA Facility 150 miles not knowing if you will see him alive again! I pray you or no one ever has to experience this. Once I am there I am assured the Care he receives will be the best. These trips have resulted in my having to sleep in my car due to lack of funds. My heart will not allow me to leave his side while they are doing their best to stabilize him. Finances do not always allow the luxury of a Motel room. I am not complaining however these are the choices I have to make. One day I will leave all alone completely by myself with that being the most dreaded day I will face. AS much as I try this thought always lingers in the back of my mind while the Doctors delivery of news that is not always good. I wish to keep my Silver Star Purple Hearts Vietnam Veteran in my home where care can be given. I do not ever want to have to be a visiting wife to someone whose care is the responsibility of a Nursing Facility. His medical Conditions as a result of his Service Connected ratings are Diabetes, Peripheral Neuropathy on the right and left lower extremities, Renal Failure, Enlarged Heart,Hypertension, Sleep apnea which requires the use of oxygen, Diabetic related Neuropathy of his Anus which I refer to as his rear end alignment problem, and complications resulting from a survivable stroke in the Cortex of his Brain Stem. The list goes on all because He was a Warrior in the Vietnam Conflict. Many spouses will tell me I am not a Caregiver because the program was never to be for us. I ask of you why not? Please I ask that we not discriminate one veteran from another. Their blood was shed on the battle field as well and is still shed from complications related to the war to this day.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 16:14:45 +0000

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