Congressman Trey Gowdy has been quietly working on discovering and - TopicsExpress


Congressman Trey Gowdy has been quietly working on discovering and exposing the truth behind the Benghazi terror attack. After Congress returns from their August recess, Gowdy intends to begin holding hearings with the Benghazi Select Committee, most likely in early September. Gowdy has already promised to subpoena Hillary Clinton and compel her to testify, although it remains unclear if she will cooperate, as she has intimated that she won’t turn over her personal notes regarding Benghazi. Trey Gowdy was recently asked in an ABC interview if he would be done with his Benghazi Committee before the midterm elections take place, which Gowdy laughed off, according to The Hill. “No. Heavens no,” said Gowdy, “I have decided that I would rather be right than first. So we are going to do it methodically, professionally.” Gowdy said the first public hearing will focus mostly on the State Department’s Accountability Review Board investigation of the Benghazi, and if their recommendations have been taken to heart and followed by the State Department. He said there may be other public hearings in the future, but he prefers to do his work in private depositions, feeling he can get more done without the grandstanding for cameras and limited time frame that come with public hearings. “I can get more information in a five-hour deposition than I can [in] five minutes of listening to a colleague asking questions in a committee hearing,” he said, adding: “My view of public hearings — if there is a factual discrepancy, then the jury or our fellow citizens need to hear both sides, and they can determine where the greater weight or credibility is. But if there is a consensus on a point, there really is not any reason to litigate that in public.” Trey Gowdy absolutely should take his time working with the Benghazi Select Committee. There need not be any rush, and with all the distractions of a crucial campaign season, it may actually be wise to wait until after the elections to really get down to the core of the matter. conservativetribune/gowdy-going-to-methodically-take-down-obama/
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 23:19:24 +0000

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