Connect with your Angels! xxx Fishtail Selenite: Fishtail - TopicsExpress


Connect with your Angels! xxx Fishtail Selenite: Fishtail Selenite gets it’s name from the Greek Goddess of the Moon Selene, and it’s resemblance to a fish’s tail. A purely angelic stone, it will stimulate connection with your Angels! It will transmute tensions and stress of any kind, and is deeply calming to the body’s nervous system. Fishtail selenite will protect your home, and is a powerful gridding stone, (make sure to grid on the inside as Selenite can dissolve) which will help not only to create a safe environment but invite a calm, deep sense of peace, to all who enter the home. Selenite is one of the powerful love stones! Fishtail selenite has all the healing properties of selenite. Selenite: Beautiful selenite connects us to the Angelic realm, the Celestial plains, Heaven! It is one of the very best crystals for spiritual work and meditation! It gently opens the crown chakra and all of the higher crown chakras! Selenite allows us to receive higher guidance! A beautiful stone to assist with channelling, mediumship, scrying and telepathy! Selenite is soothing, stabilizing to the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies. It simply soothes your Soul! It clears and revitalizes the mind. Clearing any confusion, cloudiness or stress. It assists in bringing that which is hidden in the subconscious up to the conscious. Selenite is soothing, deeply calming, a pure stone that holds the essence of Divine Light. Judy Hall of The Crystal Bible, describes this stone as: ‘Selenite has an ethereal quality and is said to inhabit the place between light and matter.’ Selenite is also a powerful protective stone! Use Selenite to grid your home to protect it and to create a peaceful, harmonious space. Grid inside the house as Selenite is delicate and will dissolve under the elements, especially water. Selenite assists in gently removing unwanted energies and entities On a physical level, Selenite is healing for bones, hair, teeth and skin, and especially healing for your spine! Selenite lovingly assists with breastfeeding and production of breast milk, as well as gently nurturing your babies and children! Xxx xxx
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:57:51 +0000

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