Connecting with God’s purposes. 3 Things that connect with Gods - TopicsExpress


Connecting with God’s purposes. 3 Things that connect with Gods Purpose 1. Tresures of the heart (FOLLOW PART 2) 2. The thems of your heart 3. Kinds of people You need, to step up in your life Luke 6:45: The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart. • Good treasure • Evil treasure Tresure: an object on which we place value, must be keept. Something weplace value on, it’s not determined of value Something we keep and consider them valuable, they are not of value, but we consider them as valuable. Ex.1: A picture of your old-parents. The value is not that picture, the value is its importance to me. For something to be a treasure/ important to You, its You who give it value. Sometimes we put value on rabbish. If you want to know the real person dont wait to know him or her when praying in the church. You go on his face profil, go to his relationship. So in this Scripture Jesus talked about the heart, because treasure must be hidden , the heart is your inner side of the seed of your desire. Then he talkes about good treasure and Evil treasure. • Good basicaly are treasure that are values beneficial and profitable. • Evil treasure: values that are destructive and self defiting. People have treasure in their heart, things that they have stored in their heart, things that they consider are very very important. Some people have stored something which are good.(Faith, Love, Kindness, forgivenes in their heart) The bible discribes this kind of people ”good person” • And alot of people have only bitterness in their heart(bitterness, anger, frustration) The bible discribes this kind of people ”evil person” • How did they get them?: something happened and heat their heart, and they place a lot of value on it. NB:1: Thing You hide in your heart determine the kind of personality You become. Ps 33:13-15 The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men; 14From His dwelling place He looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth, He who fashions the hearts of Them all, he who understands all his works. Heb. 4:13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from Gods sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (Ps 45:1) When Something overflows is your hear, its the treasure that You have been hidding.”THE THEM of YOUR HEART” There 4 thems that I want to bring You for: 1: Your heart thems, the main subject of your heart. What is the them of your heart? Singers, pastor, evangelist, prophets,,, their thems are love, to carry the gospel. Somme of them their them are anger,,, do You know the them of your heart??? When even they sit watching the television, because of the them of their heart, they begin saying” look at him, look at him, look at what he is saying again, look at the way he is,,,Its the matter of the person’s them. Some people their them is money even if You have not talked about money they will interpret money in their mind. Other people is fear…when even they hear about the wind, their full of fear, hahahahahahhahahaaaaaaoh be careful, oh this thing can kill You…and they will show You how it has to kill You • The them of your heart is determined by the treasure You have allowed into your heart. by Kapinga Dieudonné Mushagalusa HICMDK
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 11:04:07 +0000

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