Connie Bevan via Senator Ted Cruz 1. Will the President allow the - TopicsExpress


Connie Bevan via Senator Ted Cruz 1. Will the President allow the Department of Justice to appoint a special prosecutor to fully investigate the IRS’s illegal targeting of conservatives? I would frame that question differently. I would change the word allow to demand because this DOJ has never been accountable for his own lawlessness. In fact, I would demand that he fire the DOJ. Or at least ask him why he hasnt fired him! 2. Will the President act to ensure that the privacy of law-abiding citizens is protected from unjustifiable violations by arms of the federal government such as the NSA, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Internal Revenue Service, and Department of Health and Human Services? That would require a yes or no answer. And we all know that hes going to answer yes and then continue to do what he has already been doing. Requiring a yes or no answer would give him the ability to dismiss it and it wouldnt tell us more. 3. Will the President recognize that his economic policies have failed to create the millions of jobs that he promised and have, instead, reduced the labor force participation rate to its lowest level in decades? For this President to recognize that his economic policies have failed would be to assume that his policies have our end-game. In other words he is achieve his end-game of collapsing the Middle Class. So, his economic policies havent failed at all! Its just that his end-game isnt the same as ours! 4. Will the President call on Congress to form a Joint Select Committee to finally discover the truth of why four Americans perished in a preventable terrorist attack in Benghazi 16 months ago? This President will never call on Congress to form a Joint Select Committee on Benghazi unless the entrenched Republicans demand it. And theyre not going to demand it because they havent so far! That means that they are in on the deceit and deception! 5. Will the President finally recognize that it was a mistake to ram through Obamacare on a party-line vote and that it is -- right now -- hurting millions of Americans? Will he take real responsibility for misleading the American people when he falsely promised “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” and “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”?
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 01:58:40 +0000

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