Conservative commentators appear to be growing increasingly - TopicsExpress


Conservative commentators appear to be growing increasingly frustrated with the Abbott government, as it struggles to present a coherent message leading into the final parliamentary sitting week for the year. The Prime Minister said this week he wanted to clear a few policy barnacles, but by the end of the week it remained unclear which barnacles he was speaking of. It was a difficult week for the government, which faced criticism over mixed messages about the future of its GP co-payment, its broken promise not to cut the ABC or SBS and comments from the Defence Minister mocking the government shipbuilder.Janet Albrechtsen, Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt are among the prominent conservative voices to criticise the Abbott government this week for its struggles. All three commentators were among conservative supporters of Tony Abbott who were invited to Kirribilli House last year for a private function. But in light of the governments difficulties they have switched their aim. Another week. Another wasted opportunity by the Abbott government to score a political win. And another reminder of one of the simplest lessons in politics and life: respect is a two-way street. On that critical front, the Abbott government has failed time and again, Albrechtsen wrote in her column for The Australian on Tuesday. What should have been an effortless political win this week turned into yet another political disaster. But instead of working through that initial error, the government played condescending word games.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 08:06:52 +0000

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