Conservatives - should Mitt Romney be given any consideration for - TopicsExpress


Conservatives - should Mitt Romney be given any consideration for the Republican nomination for the Presidency in 2016? Here is an OUTSTANDING summary and commentary on the multitude of reasons WHY NO Conservative should even CONSIDER supporting Mitt Romney once again for the Presidency!!! Excellently written!! Authored by Mick Wenlock: There has been some traffic of recent times on the subject of Mitt Romney. A couple of people have started threads basically on the premise that Romneys not a bad guy, has some cred from running things and, well hey, if Republicans had actually shown up at the polls, he would have won. Concedo - Romney appears to be a good guy who tries to live a good and decent life. He did well with the Winter Olympics and with Bain Capital. I am not that impressed, however, with what he did as Governor of Massachusetts. And I am entirely UN-impressed with how he did as a Presidential Candidate. His technical team - the idiots who claimed they had an app to get out the vote - remember them? No? I would dearly love to know who they were just to be sure that no other candidate ever hires these epic fail merchants again. But Romney hired them - and they failed worse than Solyndra management. His debate advisors. Anyone know who these turkeys were? The ones that advised he should be gentler and not so aggressive and basically should preen himself out there on the stage like a chicken for the roasting. Anyone remember his national and state teams? No? Neither do I despite my best efforts to actually meet someone from their Colorado team. How about the RNC - did they devote time personnel and money to utilizing their organization down to the precinct levels in an effort to maximize the vote? Did they bollocks. So why on earth would anyone be suggesting this guy as a viable candidate this time around? He had a golden opportunity to win - and he was not up to it. He flat out failed. He didnt fail because he was not nice, he did not fail because he didnt have appeal. He failed because he has no idea how to win and he lacks the balls to do it. He did not have the instinct to strike hard when he should have done, He lacked oversight of his teams and he allowed himself to be pussified. Worst of all - he showed he was not even a conservative-lite - it was apparent both from his campaign and from the RNC that they were only ever interested in a top down centralized campaign where everything is controlled by the center. Just like the Federal Government. Someone who ONLY sees organizational and political solutions as being centralized solutions is not a conservative - not even close. They see everything as needing a big government to fix and those little people - well they just clutter up the landscape. Sorry - that is not the type of person who is interested in bringing about the sort of government I want to see. Not even close. I want someone who is a leader, who is willing to actually stand for something, who is willing to create a team that will work for him and for us and who is willing to listen and respond. I want someone who sees the value in conservative action at town county and state levels and sees that this is overwhelmingly important. Much more important than Federal. I also want someone who can articulate solid conservative values to the majority of Americans and generate respect and a willingness to work together. I want someone who believes - with every fiber of their being that the words of Reagan are as true today as they have ever been In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:35:42 +0000

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