Consider This: WHO, ME? Steve Prefontaine is best known as - TopicsExpress


Consider This: WHO, ME? Steve Prefontaine is best known as the runner who once held the U.S. record in every long-distance event. He attended the University of Oregon and was coached by the legendary Bill Bowerman who was instrumental in developing a light weight running shoe. In 1964 Bowerman founded Blue Ribbon Sports, later known as Nike. Steve won three Division I NCAA Cross Country championships and four straight three-mile titles. It was while at the UOO that Prefontaine earned a reputation for his aggressive front-running racing style, going out hard and not relinquishing the lead. He soon became a legend not only in his native Oregon, but nationwide, appearing on the cover of Sports Illustrated at age 19. Steve and Coach Bowerman developed a close relationship and Steve often visited Coach at his home. Mrs. Bowerman would pass through the room where Steve and Coach were and she was “talking, going and coming.” It was during one of Steve’s visits that she came through (talking as usual), not really slowing her pace as if her feet were moving in synchronization with her words. When she left the room Steve turned to Coach, scratching his head, and asked, “I really don’t understand her, do you?” Coach smiled and replied, “Sometimes I don’t understand her either.” Steve asked,” doesn’t that bother you to have a wife you don’t understand?” Coach replied with a big grin on his face, “No, I don’t need to understand some of things she says or how she acts because I trust her.” Events happen in our lives that we can’t understand or explain and none of us are immune from them. Sooner or later we all have things happen that leave us asking why or why me. If we are not strong in our faith as Christians we can become unsure and doubtful as things seem to pile up on us. When we are in this state of fear and things seem to get worse it is a prime time for Satan to move in, trying to separate us from God. This is when we must go to God with faith, knowing that God loves us and He knows exactly what is happening in our lives and WE CAN TRUST HIM to take care of us. Read the verse below and know we are exactly where God wants us and we can trust Him. We are also taught in the scriptures that “without faith it is impossible to please Him and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him. In closing I want to leave you with information that will help you and will make a difference in your life, if you use it. Out of the millions of people who have been alive, are alive and those who will be alive there is no one like “Pidney” (substitute your name for Pidney). I am made in God’s image and He has made me very uniquely. I am special, never will there be another like me (your name). You are truly special, one of a kind, take pride in yourself, knowing that God doesn’t make mistakes and you are exactly where He wants you……. God bless each of you.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 16:46:10 +0000

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