Consider the following facts related to Kashmir: 300,000 Kashmiri - TopicsExpress


Consider the following facts related to Kashmir: 300,000 Kashmiri Hindus have been uprooted from their homes. Hundreds of Kashmiri Hindus have been killed or kidnapped. The houses of most of these fleeing refugees have been burnt or looted. Those who unleashed this terror are not freedom flghters but Islamic terrorists. Their aim is not to set up a Democratic Republic of Kashmir but an Islamic Republic of Kashmir. Their constitution for Independent Kashmir will not be based on Democratic principles but on Nizam-e-Mustafa, a stone age version of Democracy. Accession of Kashmir to India was not the result of a Hindu King selling Muslim Kashmir to Hindu India but because Sheikh Abdullah, Sher-e-Kashmir, leader of the Kashmiri Muslims participated and endorsed this accession. India has pumped in more than 10 billion dollars in direct aid to Kashmir since 1947. Kashmiris are by far the best fed, best clothed and best housed In the entire India. The literacy rate among the Kashmiri Muslims is four times that of their counterparts in the POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir). Kashmir has had several free elections, unheard of, in POK till recently. Granted some of these elections were rigged but that is a reflection of the unethical character of Kashmiri Muslims who conducted these elections. The insurgency going on in Kashmir is planned, financed and masterminded by Pakistan an Islamic country. In all the major conflicts in the world, Muslims are involved. Be It Bosnia, Azerbijan, Armenia, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, India/Pakistan, Israel/Arabs. Iraq/Kuwait, Iran/Iraq, Libya/Egypt just to name a few. Knowing that these are the facts, then how come these are not well publicized in the West? Is it that West does not have the means to discover the facts or they simply do not have the Interest? Surely it can not be the lack of resources. Since Kashmir is in the news regularly, be it the CNN, the BBC, or New York Times, we would have to rule out the lack of interest as the reason. It would also be paranoiac on our part to believe that Western media has a grudge against us. This leads us to conclude that the media is being manipulated by the International Islamic Lobby in a manner that news that is unsuitable to their cause gets suppressed and any news that does further their cause is blown out of proportion. Well known lobbying firms and Public relation firms such as Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly have been employed to accomplish this. The manipulation of the media works like this: Consider the murder of Maulvi Farooq. He was murdered by the Muslim Terrorists in Kashmir because he supported dialogue with India. Within hours of his murder press releases were issued in all the major capitals of the world including London, Paris, Bonn and Washington. The press releases blamed Indian security forces for the murder of Maulvi Farooq. The Western media carried this version. The denial by Indian Government came too late, lacked punch and did not get wide coverage. Take the Poshpura mass rape story. Allegedly hundreds of Muslim women were raped by Indian security forces. Again the International Muslim fronts issued press releases in major capitals of the world within a few hours. The Western media carried this version of the story. The whole episode was a lie as the finding of an Independent commission confirmed. But that took several months, By that time the media had lost interest and negation lacked the melodramatic effect of the initial story. But the notion of mass rapes by the Indian security forces persist In the West. The media is influenced in other subtle ways. The correspondents of various newspapers (e.g. Barbara Crossitt of New York Times) was given guided tours by the terrorists in Kashmir. Her stay In Kashmir or POK was arranged by the Muslim Terrorist fronts. She never took time to visit Kashmiri Pandit Refugee Camps. No wonder these supposedly independent reporters only get one sided version of the story. Along the similar lines full page ads are taken out in major newspapers in the West (several have appeared In New York Times). As a result NYT has given wide coverage to the Islamic Terrorists In Kashmir. Their struggle is being described as a just struggle for freedom and democracy. The media manipulation is a fact that we have to counter. It is eventually the media that shapes the public opinion, which in turn determines the posture of the particular government. Therefore we can not ignore media and we need to figure out ways and means to counter it. It needs to be addressed both at the individual as well as the organizational level. Individually we need to refute any biased news items through Letters To The Editor and Feature articles.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 09:10:50 +0000

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