Consider this - for 3 years the government has been hitting us - TopicsExpress


Consider this - for 3 years the government has been hitting us with one recurring theme: if you like your health insurance, you can keep it. That is now being proven false by daily accounts of insurance cancellations numbering in the hundreds of thousands (800,000 in NJ alone), according to the Star Ledger. Todays revelation is that the Obama administration has known this for years. Are we surprised by that? Arent they responsible for executing the law as written by Congress? How could they NOT know that? Is it anything other than a lie to claim that if you like your insurance you can keep it, knowing full well that millions of people will NOT actually be able to keep their existing policies? If this were a company marketing a product, theyd be being sued for false advertising. If this were a publicly held company, there would be indictments being handed out for securities fraud. Does our government really hold us in this low of a regard? How many of us supported this law because of that promise? If we had been told the truth, which amounts to if you like your insurance AND it meets the standards we just set out, you can keep it, if not you have to buy a different policy which will cost more but have better coverage, whether you want or need that coverage would we still support it? In what world does it make sense to force a 60-year old couple to buy maternity coverage? As of right now, the White House official site still has this exact phrase ( posted on it: For those Americans who already have health insurance, the only changes you will see under the law are new benefits, better protections from insurance company abuses, and more value for every dollar you spend on health care. If you like your plan you can keep it and you don’t have to change a thing due to the health care law. The government serves us, not the other way around. Does it really hold us in such low regard? Why should we allow our government to blatantly lie to us not once, but for THREE STRAIGHT YEARS? Its not an accident, someone didnt misspeak. They were willing to intentionally deceive us in order to gain support for a law that most people didnt want in the first place. If they are willing to lie about this, what else have they lied about? If its such a great law, why does it need to be sold to us with lies? Why should we expect them to deal with us honestly on immigration? Secure the borders? Sure, sell me a bridge in Brooklyn while youre at it. Im not naive. If this was a Republican President and a Republican Congress there is no reason to expect things would be any different. The point is that the government as a whole is completely out of control. Our government works for us. It is accountable to US. Instead, it acts like it owns us. If we dont hold it accountable now, when will we ever? Folks, this is not a Republican or Democrat or Tea Party thing, this is a together thing. Together we must take control of our government or the opportunity may be lost for a long time. Together we must end the paranoid spying on our allies. Together we must stop the reckless spending of our monies. Together we must stop the neverending stream of regulations that tell us what we can and cannot do in every aspect of our day to day lives. Would we rather wait until weve alienated every last ally? Until were 25 trillion in debt? Until every freedom weve shed blood for in the last 237 years has been taken from us? IT MUST STOP NOW.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 05:15:22 +0000

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