Consider this: The chances of me/you getting cancer in our - TopicsExpress


Consider this: The chances of me/you getting cancer in our lifetime has gone from ... 1/20 in 1900, 1/16 in 1940s to 1/3 now and still rising... *** Please, please watch these videos, and if its just one you can cope with, then please watch 2) Physicist Paul Davies on a new theory of cancer at the very least. We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones.... please. *** 1) First watch this video forbidden cures. This video cannot be recommended highly enough to everyone in educating us about the realities of the medical industry, its history, how it went wrong a hundred years ago, and its so called experts, and more importantly about the continuing denial and suppression of potential cures / help and treatments. Your oncologist is but a used car salesman and expert only in drug therapy and the narrow, self-interest of the pharma companies that control everything, from their training to how they think, all the way to the grave. https://youtube/watch?v=BTGye7kA6rM&feature=youtube_gdata_player 2) Still think all this is merely quackery? Then I have a shock for you in the shape of eminent UK Physicist Paul Davies who was asked by the leading US cancer charity to review and come up with a new theory of cancer. He currently is overseeing multiple departments in the US in their investigations .... I give you the link to his 2013 talk for the New Scientist in London .... *** and when you watch this, just remember to make the links, join the dots with the cross over messages from the first video Cancer the Forbidden Cures. Just listen to the cognitive dissonance of the female oncologist in the Q&A at the end, very sad. *** Cancer loves and needs: Sugar, low oxygen, and acidic environment (heightened by the amount of meat consumed) Cancer hates: Oxygenation, an alkaline system and starves without sugars (sugars, starch like potatoes, pasta) Watch Cancer from a physicists perspective: a new theory of cancer on YouTube https://youtube/watch?v=yoQYh0qPtz8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:24:58 +0000

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