Consider this account of an unnamed woman with an ongoing, - TopicsExpress


Consider this account of an unnamed woman with an ongoing, longterm, issue of blood, whose encounter with Jesus changed her life. Mark 5:25-34. According to scripture a large crowd had followed and pressed around Jesus. Among this crowd was a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of a number of doctors and had spent every cent she had, and instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, this woman pushed through the crowd behind Him and touched His robe. WHY! her spirit had embraced a confession of healing and, in determination born out of desperation , she stepped out in faith. She believed without a shadow of a doubt that "if i can touch His clothes i will be healed." This woman believed - She knew - with every fiber of her being that Jesus had the Supernatural Ability to Heal her. Her Spirit understood that the physical manifestation of her healing was already hers. So she refused to simply sit back and accept her fate of sickness and death. She put her faith in motion, pushed through a huge crowed and reached out. Jesus immediately knew that power had gone from Him, He turned to the crowed and asked "who touched me" Jesus kept looking around to see who had in the Spirit Realm, touched Him. The Bible tells us that He sensed that Power, Healing Power had gone out of Him. Then the woman, knowing the miracle that had just taken place in her body came and fell at His Feet. Jesus response to her bold act of faith was "daughter your faith has healed you, you have become what you believed. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.".........Put your faith in motion...........lew
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 15:12:49 +0000

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