Consider this implication in the metaphor of Dr. Chopra. A - TopicsExpress


Consider this implication in the metaphor of Dr. Chopra. A Critical Mass of Intentionality is only possible in the best wave geometry of agreement to converge. Wave fronts can converge only when compression is perfect. Fractality or recursion as the best compression geometry, means more pressures or viewpoints can converge or agree to spin concentrically. The hearts electricity appears to report learning this skill to arrange pressures like a fractal, at the enveloping moment we actually feel the field of compassion. We create the embedded field where we can feel from the inside out, the pressures on someone outside ourselves as if they were inside. The willed evolution of our genepool in a coherent direction requires that we marry what has been called Sacred Geometry with a new physics of consciousness. We are creating a powerful clinical application showing that self-awareness and Self-referral as mathematical correlates of both recursion and coherence in all biological oscillators are teachable and accessible in a simple biofeedback environment. Using the geometry of recursion as a template attractor into which self-awareness folds implosively, creates a more resolved model of the spiritual nature of consciousness itself, and ultimately as we shall suggest, unifies the fields of physics showing that gravity is embeddedness or fractality among magnetics. The concept of fractal recursion creating both self-awareness and gravity as the attractor and ultimate centering force among waves, also yields a powerful lesson about the nature of compassion as a learned embedding field in glandular magnetism. Self-reference mathematically, and as wave function is the indicator of self-awareness. Iteration perfected as the place where a wave form, can re-enter itself non-destructively is the mathematics of self-reference. Spin or pattern can reference self with no resistance or fear in the perfect geometry where the re-entry incident curvature is Golden Mean. Pure intention is the test for symmetry or shareability which cycles of phi or recursion permit. Getting phy-sical is permission to touch. Thus the geometry of intended or aimed spin direction reveals the Golden nature of pure intention itself. The most angles from which a wave can approach a common concentric center is indexed by the geometric condition of the perfect fractal. In 2D this re-pents, and 3+D systems it is dodecahedral ( DNA, Earth Grid and Zodiac fit this same fractal.) This is the idealized physics for E Pluribus Unum, the ultimate and perhaps only way, many become one. Shareability perfected for waves is fractal: infinitely spin dense, infinitely information dense, infinitely compression dense, and infinitely aware. Creating a new model for the unified field which links gravity to magnetism requires adding to Maxwells equations. We know that a scalar wave caduceus wire geometry creates the magnetic monopole which Einstein predicted was the doorway to gravity. By optimizing that scalar wave of perfect folded damping to the ratio of the Golden Mean as idealized recursion, the pure principle of gravitys connection to magnetism emerges. A real meta-physics links quantum symmetry laws with consciousness as a passed symmetry test for imploding and infinitely multiply connected wave paths. Pent symmetries are the basis of all life, pent symmetry is the basis of Phi Golden Mean recursion. Pent and phi based wave interference by producing length harmonics which add and multiply non-destructively, also create similar infinite velocity harmonics creating the only coherent passageway through the light speed and also time barrier. This physics of attractors based on the mathematics of perfect recursion not only fills the missing equation in the unified field, but also specifically then describes the nature and role of consciousness as the potential well of fractal self-organization among waves... and therefore the leverage to bend them. This is clearly our best possibility thus far of measuring or quantizing the onset of conscious self-awareness in biological oscillators. Algorhythms for the pattern recognition of recursion have the potential to be the mathematical identifiers of the birth of self-awareness in complex systems such as planet lo frequency grid magnetics. (as will be further described in our Heartbeat Earth project below.) The fractal attractor of recursion as a self-feeding implosion among waves, known emotionally as glandular compassion becomes the only centering force among waves. The harmonic content among biological oscillators which indicates the onset of this self-aware condition is clearly coherence optimized by recursion.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 16:04:42 +0000

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