Consideration is being given to an informal factsheet as public - TopicsExpress


Consideration is being given to an informal factsheet as public are still greatly fed up with the lack of facts. Yes we are advancing but we are simply not getting everyone Here is a few ideas. It has to remain factual feel free to add? Some real facts: 1. Currency. The £ belongs to the UK. Not Westminster. Scotland is free to use this as much as any other country, in fact more so as we had it prior to the union in 1707 (as did England) Countries and territories previously welcomed in a Sterling Zone. Federation of South Arabia, Sudan, Australia, The Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Lesotho Basutoland, Bermuda, Botswana, British Antarctic Territory, Guyana, British Guiana Belize British Honduras, British Indian Ocean Territory, Solomon Islands, British Somaliland Protectorate (left in 1964), British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Burma (left in 1966), Cayman Islands,Dominion of Ceylon Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Cyprus, Egypt (left in 1947), Falkland Islands, Fiji, The Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Tuvalu Gilbert and Ellice Islands (Kiribati and Tuvalu), Hong Kong, Iceland, Republic of Ireland (until 1971), India (including Sikkim), Iraq (left in 1959) Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait AnguillaAntigua and Barbuda,Montserrat,Saint Kitts and Nevis Leeward Islands (comprising Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Montserrat, and Saint Kitts (Saint Christopher and Nevis)) Libya (expelled in 1971) Malawi Malaysia Maldives Maldive Islands Malta Mauritius Oman Muscat and Oman (Sultanate of Oman) Nauru New Zealand (including, Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau Islands) Nigeria Israel British Mandate for Palestine (required to withdraw in 1948 following the creation of the state of Israel & New Breed Pakistan Papua New Guinea Pitcairn Islands Qatar Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) (expelled in 1965) Saint HelenaUnited KingdomTristan da Cunha Saint Helena (including Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha) Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore South Africa Namibia South West Africa (Namibia) Swaziland Tanganyika Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Oman Trucial Oman (United Arab Emirates) United Kingdom Turks and Caicos Islands Uganda the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man Samoa Dominica,Grenada,Saint Lucia,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Windward Islands (comprising Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) Zambia Zanzibar 2. EU. Scotland is currently in the EU under the guise of the UK. We all hold EU passports and have EU rights. Remember, the rUK are considering holding a referendum to leave and it is likely they will do so! What is going to harm trade more? Scotland rejoining under our own country or the UK leaving? 3. The scare stories. If you believed what Better together were saying Scotland will collapse within hours of a yes vote. That is simply not true. This was the same tactics that were used during the Devolution referendum AND NONE OF IT CAME TRUE! Here is a poster from that very referendum: 4. Armed forces - Scotland will create its own defence force. It can even re introduce all the historic units killed off by Westminster and continue our history and tradition. We can get rid of the nukes. Sky is the limit. Thje other beauty, our lads wont be fighting in wars illegally or otherwise because of greed for oil and throwing our weight about. We will save billions. 5. We can do away with the money spinner for the rich which is The House of Lords. All unelected members! Democracy? Where? 6. Wehave the option to bring energy companies into the fold and nationalise them again to ensure the best prices for our people. Or at least ensure prices are capped. 7. A VOTE FOR YES IS NOT A VOTE FOR ALEX SALMOND OR THE SNP. Again, sky is the limit. After a yes vote we will see the new parties lining up under their various guises. We will vote for our first elected Government in 2016. Guys, feel free to add to this and perhaps get more important topics in? I would pick perhaps 15? You really dont want it too heavy?
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 12:17:57 +0000

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