Considering the fact that I have 2 Left-Handed Grandchildren, I - TopicsExpress


Considering the fact that I have 2 Left-Handed Grandchildren, I found this article rather interesting. Weird Facts About Lefties Left-handed people represent only 10% of the population, and it isn’t just their writing hand that sets them apart: lefties tend to be right-brain dominant, a trait that might make them more prone to fear, according to a study in the Journal of Traumatic Stress. More Accident-Prone In a world designed for right-handed people, it’s not surprising that lefties may be more accident-prone. A study on locomotive drivers in India found that 88.9% of left-handed drivers had experienced a locomotive accident, compared to only 16.1% of right-handed drivers. The design of the locomotive cabin and driving console may favor right-handed people, contributing to higher rates of accidents among lefties. Lefties More Likely to Excel at Language, Math, and Music Left-handedness has its advantages, too! The same atypical brain tendencies associated with mental health challenges may also contribute to greater creativity and cognitive skills among some left-handed people. For example, a study of professional orchestras uncovered a disproportionate number of left-handed musicians. The GMA review article also notes that lefties are reportedly more likely to excel at music, as well as math and language fluency. Lefties are also reportedly more likely to score over 131 on IQ tests. Better at Competitive Sports Some lefties also have an upper hand in sports! The GMA review article found higher rates of left-handedness among top-level athletes, especially in one-on-one sports such as tennis, boxing, and fencing. Compared to their right-handed competitors, lefties tend to have greater ambidexterity (the ability to use both hands well). They also have more opportunities to train against right-handed competitors than right-handed athletes have to train against left-handed competitors, lending them tactical advantages in competition. Lefties Are Here to Stay Lefties have been outnumbered since prehistoric times, according to a recent study of fossilized human remains found near Burgos, Spain. David Frayer, Ph.D., professor of anthropology at the University of Kansas and lead author of the study, determined that over 90% of people living in the area more than 500,000 years ago were right-handed. Another recent study, from Northwestern University, explored why a small percentage of people have been left-handed throughout history. Cooperation, the researchers argue, favors people using the same hand, which makes tool-sharing more efficient. Instances of physical competition, however, favor unusual characteristics, giving lefties an advantage in sport and combat. The bottom line is this: as long as human societies have both competitive and cooperative aspects, lefties are here to stay.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 23:00:30 +0000

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