Consistent Prretribulationism and Jewish Questions of the End ~Dr. - TopicsExpress


Consistent Prretribulationism and Jewish Questions of the End ~Dr. Ron Bigalke (part seven) The signs of Matthew 24:4-8 are clear parallels to the first four seals of Revelation 6. Compared with Revelation 6, the false messiahs (Matthew 24:4-5) are the first seal, or white horse. The wars (24:6) are the second seal, or red horse. The famines and earthquakes (24:7) are the third seal, or black horse. The death resulted from the wars (24:6-7) is the fourth seal, or pale horse. Martyrdom (24:9) is the fifth seal. The sixth seal would parallel the abomination of desolation as the midpoint of the tribulation.[19] The great tribulation (24:21) is the last 3 ½ years of Daniels Seventieth Week and is initiated with the abomination of desolation. The following chart visualizes how Matthew 24:4-20 parallels the first six seals of Revelation. False Christ Matthew 24:5 Revelation 6:2 First Seal War Matthew 24:6 Revelation 6:4 Second Seal Famine Matthew 24:7 Revelation 6:5-6 Third Seal Death Matthew 24:6-7 Revelation 6:7-8 Fourth Seal Martyrs Matthew 24:9 Revelation 6:9-11 Fifth Seal Earthquake Matthew 24:15-20 Revelation 6:12-17 Sixth Seal Matthew 24:7 (for) indicates that because nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom people will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars.[20] Since Matthew 24:6-7 parallels the second, third, and fourth seals it follows that the Antichrist is the one leading the wars against both nation and kingdom (cf. Dan. 7:8, 23-24; 9:36-45; 11:40-45; Zech. 12:2-11; Rev. 6:3-4; 12:9-17; 16:12-15; 17:14; 19:1; 20:8). Not only will nations throughout the world be rising against each other, but also the Antichrist will form his 10-nation confederacy that will be the basis of his eschatological kingdom. Matthew 24:9 (then) marks the transition of the tribulation period. The first half was characterized by relative peace in various parts of the world, but now judgment will intensify in Israel and throughout the world, especially when the Antichrist breaks his covenant with the Jewish nation (24:15; cf. Dan. 9:24-27). The abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet pertains to the Jewish people and the city of Jerusalem (Daniel 9:24). The context remains Jewish in focus throughout the Olivet Discourse. During this time the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations (Matthew 24:14). The natural (plain) understanding of these words of Jesus to the disciples would have been in regards to the establishment of the messianic kingdom. In other words, it has no reference to the church age. The gospel (good news) of the kingdom is that Yeshua HaMaschioch will be returning soon to rule and reign. Even at the time of Christs ascension the disciples were asking, Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel? (Acts 1:6). The disciples had no concept of the church age, but were eagerly anticipating the kingdom. Indeed, the gospel of the kingdom will be good news to the tribulation saints. They will be enduring persecution and even martyrdom during the tribulation. Many of them will die as martyrs, but the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved (Mt. 24:13). The tribulation saints who endure to the end of the age, prior to the establishment of the messianic kingdom, will be delivered from persecution and martyrdom during the tribulation to be allowed entrance into the kingdom in their natural bodies. It is a message to encourage perseverance. to be continued
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 09:50:07 +0000

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