Conspiracy Watch Hemp is making a comeback, as its many benefits - TopicsExpress


Conspiracy Watch Hemp is making a comeback, as its many benefits continue to be revealed. Hemp is not only a great fiber for making paper and clothing, it can be used to build houses, fuel cars, be a food source and even cure cancer. Hemp, which has been consumed for centuries, contains several essential nutrients for the body. One particular benefit of eating hemp is that it provides protein. Consuming hemp protein also offers additional nutritional benefits and, as a result, hemp has become popular with people wanting to improve their health. Foods can be classified as complete, partial, or incomplete sources of proteins. In order for a food to be classified as complete, it must contain all eight essential amino acids. Hemp is considered a complete protein because it contains all eight essential amino acids in sufficient quantities to meet the body’s needs. This also makes hemp a good alternative source of protein for vegetarians and vegans. Dairy products and red meat are good sources of protein. However, they can be high in saturated fat. Hemp protein is low in saturated fat. Furthermore, it contains the essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, in an optimal three- to-one ratio. According to The Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Health, eating these essential fatty acids in an optimal ratio reduces risks for heart attack. cardiovascular problems, atherosclerosis and certain types of cancer. Consuming unsaturated fats is also associated with a reduced risk for dementia. The “Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease” revealed in a 2010 article that elderly people with diets including greater amounts of unsaturated fats had a reduced risk for memory impairment and the later development of dementia. The production of hemp protein on a large scale is earth friendly. It grows tall and fast and its dense growth kills weeds. Therefore, the use of pesticides or herbicides is unnecessary when growing hemp. Additionally, Manitoba Harvest, a hemp producer, reports that hemp is a sustainable green product even when produced on a large scale. Compared to other crops, growing hemp is more cost effective and less damaging to the environment. The seeds contain essential fats and proteins that your body needs to maintain your overall health. If you choose organic hemp protein powder, youre assured it wont contain any traces of chemical-based products leftover from cultivation. You can use hemp protein the same way you use any other protein powder. For the best texture, mix the powder with your choice of milk in the blender. Amazon has a wide selection of hemp protein and other hemp products, here: ~ Tom Retterbush
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 14:41:46 +0000

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