Conspiracy theory as a means of population homeostasis. Just - TopicsExpress


Conspiracy theory as a means of population homeostasis. Just thinking how CT thinking could be a mechanism in which populations control itself from getting to large, a negative feedback loop. We know that as populations get wealthy, they tend to have less children and population growth slows significantly. This isnt anything new to anyone who has made an even cursory look at population statistics comparing first and third world societies. Thats always been one reason why the Population Bombers/Neo-Malthusians will always fail. They see things linearly. They dont understand the dynamics and how economic growth provides a negative feedback. What are other mechanism of this negative feedback? Certainly CT thinking can and does come into play. Looking at the two main CT types of thinking I see on the Interwebs; Vaccines and GMO, its easy to see how this CT thinking can put negative pressure on populations. It doesnt take a rocket surgeon to see how the CT about vaccines can lead to deaths. Outbreaks of measles have already taken lives. These could have been prevented by the use of safe vaccines. Yet, wealthy middle class people who think they are smart because they read a blog post by some celebrity (Dunning Kruger anyone?) have rejected a vital piece of technology in favor of their preferred CT, be it Replitian overlords trying to take over (aka They Live!) or because they, ironically, think its a form of Government population control. The most common, that Ive seen, reason to reject life saving technology is because some corporation is making money from it. I guess to a CTer, letting people die is a good way to fight corporate oppression?!?! GMOs on the other hand do not have a direct effect on wealthy populations like vaccines do. Yet the effect is even more dramatic on third world populations. By rejecting and fighting against GM technology, these well fed middle class assholes are hurting the same third world poor that they claim to want to help. This just shows that their feels are more important than people eating, starving or going blind from nutritional deficiencies. Now why do people go full CT? I think Maslow has a good a reason as anyone else. In wealthy societies base needs; food, shelter, security, are all met cheaply. This leaves more time and resources for people to fulfill their self-actualization needs; aka Muh Feels. People reject technology and embrace CT for a number of reasons, but they all seem to come back to some sort of way to make them feel good about themselves, be it to be accepted by some group, to make them feel smarter or morally superior to others. Whatever it is...its all about their feels. -JP
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:31:34 +0000

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