Conspiracy theory has become a buzzphrase for something that is - TopicsExpress


Conspiracy theory has become a buzzphrase for something that is (a) ridiculous, (b) untrue and (c) only believed by pathetic losers with no lives. But what if I told you that for thirty years there was a ring of rapists and paedophiles operating within the British entertainment industry, and for all that time the whole thing was effectively hushed up by the establishment? Well, of course, we know now that thats true...but before we knew that, it was nothing more than a conspiracy theory, and probably there were those who believed it and got ridiculed for their belief. The misconception concerning conspiracy theories is that you have to believe in one big super-conspiracy whereby the entire world is ruled by the same five guys. Thats obviously ridiculous...but its obviously *not* ridiculous that a small, garden-variety conspiracy can be effectively covered up, because weve seen it happen. If Jimmy Savile could do the things hes alleged to have done and still be a hero to the world, then its obviously not beyond the capacity of even the British government to cover up, say, one small UFO. And as for the Americans... I think Alan Moore is right. Theres not one conspiracy, but hundreds of them, all being run by different people with different agendas and levels of competency, colliding and getting in each others way, and some of them work and some of them get blown open. Its unwise to assume from the blown ones that there are no successful ones, that conspiracy theories are always (a), (b) or (c) above. And the ones that eventually, in thirty years or so, turn out to be true, will surprise us all, I think...
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:26:17 +0000

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