Constitution Day falls on 17th September, the anniversary of the - TopicsExpress


Constitution Day falls on 17th September, the anniversary of the official signing of the US constitution in 1787. The document stood as the result of tireless work and compromise between the delegates of the Constitutional Convention – basically to bring about an agreement between the states which would allow a central government the power to enforce its decisions and allow the USA to stand as an international force, while maintaining a reasonable level of independence within the separate states. Of course, to this day the constitution of 1787 has formed the basis for the development and running of the USA as we know it, priding itself on its roots in democracy, rights and the social contract. Education about the constitution is hugely encouraged, particularly on Constitution Day. Schools and educational establishments receiving any form of federal funding are required to teach the history of the American constitution on this day, but more than this many establishments such as universities and colleges look to celebrate the constitution by holding celebratory leisure events including ‘Constitution Trivia Quizes’ and community fairs. If you are interested, read our Constitution today and find out about the history and background of the constitution that defines the USA! constitutionus/
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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