Constitution of Iota Alpha Omega Christian Fraternity - TopicsExpress


Constitution of Iota Alpha Omega Christian Fraternity Inc. ΙΑΩ Constitution of Iota Alpha Omega Christian Fraternity Incorporated We the members of Iota Alpha Omega, in order to form a more perfect brotherhood, promote the spiritual, social, and intellectual growth of our members, as well as the College and the Community secure for ourselves the blessings of these ideals, do ordain and adopt the following, not to contradict the standards set by our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Article I Name The name of the organization will be Iota Alpha Omega Christian Fraternity Incorporated (“IAO”). Article II Affiliations The organization shall be affiliated with Shaw University or any other university that the organization goes to, all entities associated with the universities, or any body deemed acceptable by the members of Iota Alpha Omega. Article III Purpose Section 1. Primary purpose. The organization shall be committed to the ideals and beliefs stated within the Preamble of this constitution. In accordance to the Preamble of this document Iota Alpha Omega will be a ministry and service based organization. Section 2. Secondary purpose. The members of the organization will promote professionalism and scholarship and contribute to the spiritual and social integrity of any body with whom they choose to affiliate themselves. Article IV Advisors Section 1. Faculty advisor. The faculty advisor will work to ensure that the members of the organization adhere to the standards of this document and the individual chapter’s affiliate institution and will assist the organization in any matters deemed necessary. Article V Insignia Section 1. Colors. The colors of the fraternity are Crimson, Pure White, and Black. These colors represent passion, purity, and sin. Section 2. Flower. The flower of the fraternity is the Star of Bethlehem. Section 3. Animal. The animal of the fraternity is the Phoenix. It represents reverence, beauty, and rebirth. Article VI Membership Section 1. Eligibility. To be eligible for membership in Iota Alpha Omega, one must be a male of sound Christian character, and through considerable prayer, be spiritually acceptable to the fraternity. Also, the candidate must meet any and all requirements expected of them by the individual chapter’s affiliate college or university. (a) Grade Point Average (“G.P.A”). A candidate for eligibility must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.8. If a member’s G.P.A falls below the standards of Iota Alpha Omega Christian Fraternity Incorporated after becoming a brother he will have one semester to bring it up before becoming inactive. (b) Inactive Status. A brother will be considered inactive under these criteria: 1. If a brother chooses to become inactive he must announce to the rest of the fraternity of his intent. If inactive for more than one month, that brother must wait until next semester to re-enact. However, he is still welcome to all events sponsored by the organization. Section 2. Election(s) of Intake Brothers (“Probationary Brothers” or “P.B.”). All members present at that voting must agree on a P.B. to become an official brother. Section 3. Dues Required. The organization may require members to pay dues on a bi-annual basis. The amount of these dues will be set annually by the Executive Board. Section 4. Responsibilities of members. A member of the organization will be required to attend open meetings. Additionally, the members will be required to actively participate in the endeavors of the organization as described in Article 3.1 and 3.2 above. Section 5. Rights of members. A member of the organization has the right to vote in matters of the general membership, submit amendments to this constitution, and to petition the Executive Board for a redress of grievances. Section 6. Voluntary termination of membership. If a member wishes to terminate his membership with the organization, he must inform the Executive Board of his intention to quit the organization. In such an event, he forfeits all rights and privileges granted to him by his membership. The member will not receive any compensation for any paid dues. A member who quits the organization does maintain the right and is required to present their case to the Executive Board at the beginning of the subsequent year should he wish to join the organization again. Section 7. Removal of membership. The unanimous agreement of the Executive Board and the advisor of the organization will be sufficient to remove a member from the organization, following the procedure outlined in the organization’s Bylaws. If the member in question is an Executive Board member, he shall not receive a vote in the issue. Article VII Meetings Section 1. Regular. The Fraternity will meet at a set time and location that will be set at the beginning of the school session. Section 2. Special. The power to call any special meetings is delegated to the President. Any request by 5 or more members can be cause for such a meeting to take place. Section 3. Quorum. Four members of the Executive Board must be present for a vote to be taken. The fifth member must proxy his vote. Section 4. Proxy. In the event that a member of the Executive Board can not be present for a meeting, he shall proxy his vote to another member of the Executive Board for every vote on the agenda. Any vote not on the agenda will be tabled until a time when the entire Executive Board can meet. Section 5. Order of Business. (a) Executive Council Meeting (b) Formal Opening according to the rituals for Regular Meetings I Chaplain’s Service (d) Reading of the Minutes (e) Officer’s Report (f) Committee Reports (g) Old Business (h) New Business (i) Report of New Members (j) Proposal of New Members (k) Voting of New Members (l) Election of Officers (m) Installation of Officers (n) Report of the Disciplinary Personnel (D.P., Head of Intake) (o) Remarks for the Good of the Order (p) Final Roll Call (q) Formal Closing According to Ritual Section 6. Rules of Order. Parliamentary procedures will be standard. (Robert’s Rules of Order) Article VIII Officers Section 1. Elected Offices. The offices that will be bestowed upon the brothers on basis of election will be the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Disciplinary Personnel (“D.P.”), and Chaplain. Section 2. Appointed Offices. The offices that will be bestowed upon the brothers on the basis of appointment will be the offices of Inter-Greek Council Representatives, Intramural Chairman, Service Chairman, and Alumnus Relations. Section 3. Methods of Election. Election procedures will be standard. (Robert’s Rules of Order) Section 4. Duties of the Officers. The officer shall perform the duties required of him. (a) President 1. Duties and powers of the President. The President shall: (a) Preside over meetings of the fraternity. (b) Appoint officers and committees not otherwise provided for. (c) Approve orders drawn on the Treasurer by the Secretary for appropriations made by the fraternity. (d) Enforce the laws, by-laws, and lawful orders. (e) Prevent conduct at an initiation tending to degrade the fraternity. (f) Promote and maintain proper use of the Ritual of the Fraternity and keep Ritual elements securely guarded. (g) Promote and coordinate the program of alumni activities with the Vice President. (h) At the close of his term, submit a report to the fraternity covering developments during his administration (s) with recommendations for the future, which shall be submitted to the advisor of the fraternity. He shall also request such a report from the Rush Chairman, Social Chairman, D.P., and Service Chairman, to be placed in the permanent fraternity files. (i) Keep, safeguard, and maintain the charter of the organization. (b) Vice President 1. Duties and powers of the Vice President. The Vice President shall: (a) Perform the duties of the President in the absence of that officer. (b) Act as Parliamentarian. I Have charge of trials and appeals, unless he is for any reason unable to act in the capacity of Prosecutor, in which case the President will appoint a member to hold this responsibility. (d) Notify brothers well in advance of upcoming events. I Secretary 1. Duties and powers of the Secretary. The Secretary shall: (a) Keep the following records: 1. Minutes of the meetings 2. A true and correct copy of the by-laws 3. A black book containing the names of all persons expelled or suspended by the fraternity, the date of trial, a copy of charges, the names of all participating officers, the vote, subsequent actions if any, and all pertinent information. Each entry in the book is to be signed in full and dated by the President and Secretary at the time the entry was made. (b) Prepare, sign, and forward to the advisor the credentials of the members of the fraternity. I Submit a report to the Advisor for each probationary brother within ten days after Intake Process; a report must also be submitted monthly giving biographical data for each member initiated and send to the advisor. (d) Notify members of the special meetings with at least a 24-hour notice. (e) Prosecute the Vice President if that officer is accused of any violation of the by-laws. (f) Prepare and forward the following reports: 1. A report on the fifteenth day of October and February, and whenever requested, of activities of the fraternity. 2. A report of the newly selected officers sent to the Advisor after each election. 3. Chapter news for Alumni Newsletter whenever required by the Editor. 4. Chapter news for the Hilltop when requested by the President. (g) Maintain and safeguard all professional contacts acquired by the fraternity. (h) Collect incoming amendments to this constitution prior to a meeting. (d) Treasurer 1. The duties and powers of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall: (a) Collect monies due to the fraternity, and give receipt thereof. (b) Hold the funds, securities, vouchers, and account books of the fraternity. (e) Historian 1. The duties and powers of the Historian. The Historian shall: (a) Keep a history of the fraternity. (b) Keep a fraternity scrapbook. I Maintain all the fraternity media outlets (i.e. organizational websites, Facebook page, etc.) (f) Chaplain 1. The duties and powers of the Chaplain. The Chaplain shall: (a) Direct dedication and prayer in opening service. (g) Disciplinary Personnel (“D.P.”) 1. The duties and powers of the Disciplinary Personnel (“D.P”). The Disciplinary Personnel (“D.P”) shall: (a) Take charge of intake meetings, probationary brother education, etc. Article IX Executive Council Section 1. Defined. The Executive Council shall be the ruling body of the organization. Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of the Executive Council is to serve as a jury for matters requiring attention such as preparation(s), constitutional amendments, and discipline. Section 3. Election. The Executive Board shall be elected each year toward the end of the spring semester by the members of the organization as defined by the organization’s Bylaws. Each member shall have seven votes in this election. No member may cast more than one vote for a single candidate. Section 4. Membership. Members of the Executive Council are the elected officers who have received the most votes in the election. Section 5. Duties and powers. The Executive Board shall facilitate open meetings; remove members from the organization; manage the financial affairs of the organization; appoint members to the offices designated in Article X of this Constitution; create temporary offices as needed and appoint members to these offices. Article X Intake Education Section 1. Objectives. The objective of intake education is for the “P.B.” to undergo a course of education prescribed by the fraternity. The duration of this education shall last at least 8 weeks and will include: (a) Training to make the candidate a better Christian, student, fraternity man, and citizen. (b) Instruction in the history, traditions, and customs of Iota Alpha Omega and the American college fraternity system. I Instruction as to the standards of scholarship, culture, proper behavior, and Christian behavior expected of a member of Iota Alpha Omega. (d) A “P.B.” class project, and/or participation in some campus or community activity. (e) Other activities as deemed by the head of Intake Education. Section 2. Hazing. Physical and mental hazing of any kind is strictly forbidden. Section 3. Requirements for Initiation. No member-elect shall be initiated until he has satisfactorily completed the requirement of Intake of Iota Alpha Omega and kept the minimum grade point average for fraternity eligibility. Section 4. Fraternity Dues. The monetary amount required for intake education shall be left to the discretion of the brothers of Iota Alpha Omega Christian Fraternity Incorporated. Article XI Parliamentary Authority Section 1. Ratification. This Constitution shall be ratified by the approval by two-thirds of the current membership of the organization in August 2009. Section 2. Amendment. An amendment to this Constitution must be first presented to the Executive Board. If the Executive Board gives its approval by a simple majority, the amendment shall be proposed in a meeting of the general membership. Each member shall have one vote. A two-thirds majority of the current membership of the organization shall be sufficient to amend the Constitution as proposed. Article XII Amendments Any member may submit amendments to this constitution prior to a meeting in written form to the Secretary. The proposed amendment shall be tabled for one week. A quorum vote shall be required for passage if the quorum is met. Amendments shall be recorded in all available copies of the Constitution, with the date it was passed, the member proposing it, reasons for its adoption id deemed necessary for the sake of clarity, and attested by the President and the Secretary. Amendment 1 Section 1. The office of D.P. shall be an elected one, not appointed by the president as stated in Article 4, Section 2. This was passed April 30, 1984. Section 2. No new member shall hold an office as stated in Article 4, Section 2 until the passing of one semester; this includes the D.P. (Updated 2008) Amendment 2 In order to be considered an active brother of Iota Alpha Omega Christian Fraternity Incorporated, a brother must: 1. Have satisfactorily completed the Intake season and ritual unless an exception has been made. 2. Have not graduated. Alumni Status will be given to those who did graduate unless he is an honorary member. 3. Meet all eligibility requirements contained in the constitution. This amendment was proposed by Clayton L. Ollis and passed on May 5, 1986 and updated in 2004. Amendment 3 A member will be allowed four unexcused absences during a semester (this includes any projects or dues). Any more will result in: 1. Forgiven 2. Warning 3. The member will be considered active but will not have any voting rights. 4. If the pattern continues, then charges will be brought up and the person will undergo trial at the Executive Council. If found responsible, then this person will become inactive. 5. Probation: The brother must undergo the probationary season again. These rules are to be enforced, but in special cases, such as death in the family, sickness (with a form of notification) or the like, provisions can be made. If a member cannot attend a meeting and wants it to be excused, he needs to send a note by way of a member who is attending the meeting. This amendment was updated by Matt, Andrew, Nick, Antonyo, Tavaris, Joseph, and Marc. Amendment 4 The brothers of Iota Alpha Omega will recognize the sorority of Iota Chi Alpha as our sisters in accordance with our fraternity’s history, yet neither shall govern the other and all professional ties (true governing abilities) are dissolved. This amendment was updated by Marc. Amendment 5 The President shall not have a vote in official meetings unless to break a tie or to make a decision by a majority vote. This amendment was proposed by Joseph Thomas. Amendment 6 Section 1. For a person to become an honorary member he must apply to one of these categories: 1. Have to be outstanding or excellent official or unofficial advisor that helps the group 2. Have to be a senior according to University standards 3. Have to try out for the probationary season and during pledge season is called to the arm forces to be sent on duty. Section 2. Requirements of an honorary member: 1. Must be initiated into the Brotherhood 2. Must pay the P.B. amount 3. Must come to at least one activity or event every semester Section 3. Knowing the knowledge is always encouraged This amendment was proposed by Andrew Wiegratz and updated on March 31, 2005. Amendment 7 The Royal Knights League of Extraordinary Christians is our only cousin. This amendment was proposed by Joseph Thomas and passed on October 21, 2004. Amendment 8 The money we receive form outside and inside sources is non-refundable. And if the organization dissolves then the assets of this fraternity should first go to the local Boys and Girls Club and then to the Jimmy V Foundation. This amendment was proposed by Joseph Thomas and was passed on October 21, 2004. Amendment 9 We will keep all things secret unless it benefits the fraternity to be open about it. This amendment was proposed by Andrew Wiegratz and was passed on October 21, 2004. Amendment 10 The fraternity will officially recognize big sisters; however, they will not have any political and voting power in the fraternity. They will be able to attend all events. They will enter the organization by the process, which includes raising your arm in a remembrance of Christ suffering on the cross, and do the washing of the feet. This amendment was proposed by Andrew Wiegratz and was passed on March 4, 2005. Amendment 11 The National President is the Alpha Chapter President. The Vice President is the Beta Chapter President. This amendment was passed on 3/28/05. Amendment 12 All other chapters must follow the same paper work (the constitution, Intake manual and rituals) as well as the symbols and saying according to the Prime Chapter paper works. The Prime Chapter is the surviving Chapter and that which is registered through the state; i.e. Shaw University and not Mars Hill College. This amendment was proposed by Tavares Hill and was passed on August 21, 2005. Amendment 13 There shall not be any conflict of interest. Such interest includes: Being the President of universities and the President of the National Headquarters. The Office of National President (Once approved and established) will be alum of any Chapter of Iota Alpha Omega Christian Fraternity Inc. Ideally; the Officers of the National Headquarters will all be alumni of this fraternity, therefore, leaving no room to have any Conflict of Interest. This amendment was passed by the Brothers of the Beta Chapter on September 29, 2008. Amendment 14 Mr. Joseph A. Thomas will be our “Life-Long” National President, upon graduation and the approval of such office by the State and the establishment of the Headquarters in the near future, until he resigns in writing. This is the case because of his outstanding commitment to the organization and over-all development of the organization, with a grand total of 1, 440 hours into the organization. This was passed by the Brothers of the Beta Chapter on September 29, 2008. Amendment 15 Iota Alpha Omega Christian Fraternity Inc. will proudly support, create, and direct our “Daughters”, Theta Alpha Xi Christian Sorority Inc., the “Ladies of Virtue” in any way that Theta Alpha Xi sees fit. IAO will allow this to take the place of our “Big Sister” Program found in Amendment 10. (Paperwork on Theta Alpha Xi will be given to Ms. Ebony Johnson of Shaw University by December 1, 2008). This amendment was passed by the Brothers of the Beta Chapter on September 29, 2008.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 10:39:53 +0000

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