Constructive Act # 246 – “EMBRACE THE PEOPLE GOD PUTS IN YOUR - TopicsExpress


Constructive Act # 246 – “EMBRACE THE PEOPLE GOD PUTS IN YOUR PATH” - Today has been a crazy busy day, but not without incident and purpose earlier this morning. For those of you who are regular readers, you know that I usually post a little later on Saturday mornings, but not this late. It started this morning with running errands early and getting children where they were supposed to be. After running down to Atlanta twice, we were back in Marietta and pulling into the QT to fill up. As we drove down the street toward the Civic Center, I noticed homeless people all along the street huddled up together and just seemingly hanging out until they could return to a shelter this evening. Turning into the QT, I noticed an elderly person sitting in a walker, hunched over and very still. Michael pulled up to the gas pump and I told him I was going out to check on this person. I didn’t even hesitate, which is unusual for me, because believe it or not, I have always been a little scared of situations like this one. Not this time, I went straight up to this person who turned out to be an elderly lady and began calling to her, asking her if she needed help. She was completely laying in her own lap with a cigarette still in her fingers that had gone out, but not before it burned a hole in her sweat pants. I got no response and I became a little anxious. I had put my Narcan kit in my pocket just in case I needed it right before I got out of the car. Almost immediately as I started trying to help her, others became aware and started our way. I shook her on the shoulder and then again on the leg all the time asking her if she was all right. Still no response. At this time, I called for Michael to call 911 and he started running toward us with 911 on the phone. As I’m still trying to ‘rouse this lady, a young man comes up and absolutely takes charge. He pulls her back from the shoulders and immediately puts his 2 fingers underneath her neck to check for a pulse and begins calling her by name. “Leddie….Leddie” he calls to her and she begins to raise her head telling us to leave her alone. He begins to tell me that he is an EMT with Grady and that this woman is a “frequent flyer” down at Grady. He also tells me that he usually picks her up in downtown Atlanta and he begins to ask her how she got to Marietta. Of course she has no idea. She is as confused as I am now about what is going on, but I’m extremely grateful that this young man walked up when he did. Now in the grand scheme of things, I have never used a Narcan kit, and I knew for sure she didn’t fit the profile of an active opiate/heroin addict. But, I also knew I had nothing to lose if I tried to bring her back with the kit, because it cannot hurt you if you are not overdosed. Still, having to make that decision would have caused me great anxiety. So, God sent an angel! He was there to show me how a pro handles a situation like this. Michael and I began to tell him about the Davis Direction Foundation, and what we are actively doing in the area to address opiate/heroin addiction. I asked him for a card and he did not have one – first of all he was NOT on duty and was just being a concerned citizen doing the right thing. He in turn asked me for my card and I went back to the car to get him a card. Of course I was out, I usually have 10 with me, but I have been giving them out at every opportunity. So, instead I gave him a Narcan kit with all of information on the bag they are packed in. It felt great to put a Narcan kit in the hands of a professional, especially after the way I witnessed him taking charge of the situation with this mentally ill woman. That was no accident and no coincidence! God put this young man in our path this morning to show us just what we didn’t know. The man was a beautiful role-model and a seasoned veteran in the first responder field. I have no doubt that God knew this man needed a kit for some reason and now he has it. He told me that he would be sending me an email on the DDF and I know he will. He has opened my eyes to the need for a simulated drill at the next Symposium! (Jan 15th 7:00 pm Marietta First United Methodist Church). I also know that the fact that this man was from Grady was no coincidence either. He works down by the bluffs and is certainly down there every time he goes to work. Now, because of our meeting this morning, he will have a kit with him on and off duty and I know that is a part of God’s plan. I know this young man will certainly reach out to us as he was so interested in our organization and how he could help. When he does, I will be asking him to come to the Jan. Symposium to direct our drill! There’s nothing like a practice run with an angel! Whoever you are – and he did tell me his name, but it was not the most important thing at the time, I know we will meet again because he is supposed to be one of the players in the great scheme of things. He wanted to get information regarding our organization so that he could be an advocate for us and continue to help us save lives! Thank you God for yet another blessing for the DDF.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:33:13 +0000

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