Contact Kim Oliva at vito11209@yahoo if you have any - TopicsExpress


Contact Kim Oliva at vito11209@yahoo if you have any info. Fraternally, Stanley On Wednesday, January 14, 2015, Vito Oliva wrote: Hello, My name is Kim Oliva. My husband, Vito Oliva, passed away in July 2014. As you are probably aware, he was at the 72, and for a time was the delegate there. When my husband got sick, I called Lou Gallo to find out if he knew the doctor that one of the other officers (Billy Brez) used when he got sick. Lou told me that not only Billy got this cancer, but there were several others in the 72 that contracted the same type of cancer. He also told me that there were two big asbestos removals done at the 72 during the early 90s. I was shocked to hear this. One guy getting sick is a tragedy - two a coincidence, but more than that is a cluster. Lou was supposed to get back to me with the names of these other men, but I have not been able to speak with him, and I need that information to move forward. My plan is to file a lawsuit with the city and with the asbestos removal companies. Since the men (including my husband) did not have high risk lifestyles, and the only thing in common that they had was the station house itself, it is very suspicious. Also, I have been stonewalled by every city agency and One PP when I ask for the information regarding the asbestos removal. There is definitely a paper trail for this, and I am determined to find it. I have a very good law firm lined up to take this case, and they would be glad to take on the other families as well. I am willing to bet that these other families do not know the extent of the situation, and that there were other men with this same type of cancer. In fact, I think the city is banking on the fact that we dont really socialize with one another, and therefore, would have no way of knowing the details. I dont know if you can help me, but I am hoping you will. What I would need are the names of the officers from the 72 who died from cancer (most were retired at the time), and there were also 2 from the 68 that were transferred there from the 72. One of their names was Joe Welsh - and while Joe I am told committed suicide one Christmas Eve, it was discovered that he too had a brain tumor. I know someone who knew Joe for many, many years and swears he never would have done this if he was thinking right, but could not do so due to the brain tumor. The cancer that was contracted by my husband and the others is a rare form of sarcoma, usually originating in the lung and metastasizing to the brain and other organs. Only 1% of people contract this form of cancer, and it is usually on children under the age of 10. There is no cure, but there is a trial medication that is just barely useless at best. So, do you think you would be able to get this information? I just need the names and, if possible, the dates these men worked at the 72. The attorney can then subpoena their employment records, and contact the families to see if they would be willing to release the medical records, which I am sure they would be amenable to once they know the full scope of the situation. If you are unable to help me, do you know someone else who I could contact? Anything you could do would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. C. Kim Marckesano-Oliva =
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 12:28:58 +0000

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