Contagion Invasion You may have heard, someone orchestrated an - TopicsExpress


Contagion Invasion You may have heard, someone orchestrated an invasion from Central America. Thats right, most of the children from Central America are flooding across the border by the tens of thousands. The Border Patrol is so busy baby sitting, theyre no longer patrolling. So whos keeping us safe from invasion? You guessed it, nobody. Oh but its OK, because a professional liar assured us the border is as safe as ever. Because the border has NEVER been safe, her statement is accurate by default. These invaders are arriving here with no money, no job, no English, no skill and no hope. Of course the do gooders are on it. Now heres the bad news for them. I know were all supposed to sob “What about the children?” Then with much emotion: Were the richest country in the world. Since the economic genius took over, our being rich is now debatable. Never mind if we can afford to house, feed, clothe and educate them. Heres what to worry about. These invaders will be in our schools. Why, you ask? Because Barak The Magnificent said so. These invaders are filthy with contagious diseases. Polio, measles, chicken pox, mumps, crabs, whooping cough, head lice and theyre about to sit next to YOUR child. Some have V.D. because they were raped by smugglers. Is this terrible? Yes it is, but theyll be sitting next to YOUR kids. These kids are not seeing doctors before getting into the schools. Oh no, thats all being waved because its a humanitarian crisis. Some day maybe this will be straightened out but until then, little Johnie gets to sit next to Juanita who is hacking and coughing while scratching her crotch. The hacking cough is probably just a cold..................right? Yeah, you hang on to that. Its probably just a cold............and not tuberculosis........yeah, there you go. The subject of these kids coming to Mesa County came up at the Republican luncheon. Two or three said they would call the sheriff. I asked them what for? Did they think I was going to lay off deputies and release criminals so I could house and feed aliens in the Jail? I told them to have the county commissioners start socking away money. Why? So we could follow Obamas lead. He showed us what to do. We put them on buses and ship them somewhere else. Yes, I hear you! We cant do that! Well its EXACTLY what the graduate of Harvard Law did. So where do we send them? We send them where all these great ideas originate. We send them to a location where they have a printing press and can print these kids money in the spirit of “income equality”. We send them to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. Its a big place with lots of rooms and marble columns. It has a lush green lawn and a victory garden to feed them. They can hold hands with the two girls that live there and go with them to the same school. Hows that for equality? A free market and capitalism made us great, not communism. Communism was tried repeatedly at Jamestown. It didnt work. They tried it briefly at Plymouth. It didnt work. Then capitalism was tried and it worked great. Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Romania, Hungary etc. all tried communism again. It failed again. 220 million died as a result. Now the idiots in this country are trying it. Its failing miserably. They invented a new code name for it so you didnt get furious at their stupidity. This time around they are calling themselves “Progressives” instead of communists. Instead of calling the ideology communism, they repackaged it and called it “Hope And Change”. As Sarah Palin asked, “So hows all that Hopey-Changy stuff working out for ya”? Our government is taking money from those who earn it and giving it to those who dont earn it in exchange for their voting democrat. Good deal? Not for you. Its called communism. He invited tens of thousands of third worlders across our border and wants us to pay for it while he golfs and vacations. Hes the guy the constitution warned us about! Heres the bottom line. We cant afford these invaders. Our responsibility isnt to the kids of the third world but to OUR kids! When Obamas invaders arrive, we must have buses waiting for them. Better yet, we should refuse to allow their planes to land in Grand Junction. That wont cost anything and THAT my friends, is the only thing we CAN afford. Mesa County needs jobs for the unemployed natural born Americans, not aliens. We need a real sheriff, not another politician. Im a decorated combat veteran with seventeen years of police experience. Im running as a write in. Ive been conservative forever. When the republicans turned their backs on conservatism, I turned my back on republicans. I choose not to be connected to a party as they always tell you how to vote. I dont need their supervision, do you? When you get your ballot try as you might, you wont find my name on it. You must write Mike Harlow on the blank line and fill in the oval next to it. Its that simple. With your votes, I can win this election and protect your rights enumerated in our constitution. I protect it because it protects us from tyranny. Remember, only tyrants want to discard the anti tyranny document. Because theyre tyrants, they also fear guns and rightfully so. For the same reason of guilt, they should also have a healthy fear of rope. A fear of retribution is why they hate the Second Amendment. Its is an obstacle to their tyranny. The Second Amendment gives the Constitution teeth. As Sheriff Richard Mack says: “Never, Ever give up your guns”. As usual, thanks for listening. Write in TEA PARTY candidate MIKE HARLOW
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:28:31 +0000

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