Contemplating some very disturbing turn of events recently. The - TopicsExpress


Contemplating some very disturbing turn of events recently. The GOP and some bought out democrats are so stuck on this Keystone Pipeline thing it is appalling. Why are they so hell bent on doing this telling folks lies about how many jobs will be created and how it takes us further away from foreign oil consumption. That really never happens folks and the reason why is that no matter where the oil or tar sand or oil sands are dug up this stuff is going to be refined and put on the world market so it really wont make much of a difference . Oil fossil fuels will always go up , they will go down soon enough and everyone will be crying the Blues about how much it costs to fill their car, truck or RV. or SUV. We first need to invest in our crumbling infrastructure as opposed to making rich oil men /women richer as well as the Arab Kings and Princes. Investing in ourselves with real long lasting steady jobs that create skilled highly paid individuals which will grow our economy re-build our Middle Class create a better America all around way more than this silly Keystone Pipeline will do . Besides its Canadian company making majority of the profit anyway. I never understand why the GOP and others are so all fired up to make oil barons richer as opposed to fulfilling their sworn oath to serve this country and not serve exclusively the rich and those who manipulate and corrupt our democracy for their own self centered greed .I dont know about you but, I want strong bridges, well kept and maintained roads, a dependable durable power/energy grid ( sans the fossil fuels more like renewable clean energy) clean water systems new types of human and animal waste disposal, incinerators that burn waste garbage to eliminate creating more landfills that will eventually poison us all !
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 01:42:16 +0000

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