Contemplating todays Gospel Liturgical Day : Sunday XXXI ( C ) - TopicsExpress


Contemplating todays Gospel Liturgical Day : Sunday XXXI ( C ) in Ordinary Time Gospel text ( Lk 19: 1-10 ) : At that time , Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man named Zacchaeus , a chief tax collector and rich, came to distinguish who Jesus was, but people stopped him because he was short . So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him, because I had to stop by. Jesus , on reaching the place, he looked up and said, Zacchaeus , come down quickly , for today I have to stay at your house . He came down at once and welcomed him very happy . Seeing this , they all murmured , saying, He has gone to be guest of a sinner. But Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord : Behold , half of my possessions , Lord , I give to the poor, and if I have taken any shall repay it four times over . Jesus answered him , Today salvation has been this house too is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. Word of the Lord . Praise to you Lord Jesus. Comment: Zacchaeus , come down quickly , for today I have to stay at your house Today , the Gospel story seems like the fulfillment of the parable of the Pharisee and the publican ( cf. Lk 18: 9-14). Humble and sincere heart, inside publican prayed : O God, have mercy on me , a sinner (Lk 18, 13 ), and today we see how Jesus forgives and restores Zacchaeus , the chief tax collector of Jericho, a rich and influential man , but hated and despised by his neighbors , who were extorted by him , Zacchaeus , come down quickly , for today I have to stay at your house (Lk 19 , 5). Divine forgiveness has become Zacchaeus to behold one of the original of the Gospel : Gods forgiveness is free , not so much because of our conversion God forgives us, but it happens in reverse: God s mercy moves to thank and give a response . As on that occasion Jesus , on his way to Jerusalem , passing through Jericho . Today and every day , Jesus passes through our lives and calls us by name. Zacchaeus had never seen Jesus , had heard of him and was curious to know who he was so famous teacher . Jesus , however , did know Zacchaeus and the miseries of life. Jesus knew how he had enriched and how he was hated and ostracized by their neighbors , so passed through Jericho to get from this well : The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost ( Lk 19, 10 ) . Master s encounter with the publican s life changed dramatically latter . After hearing the Gospel , think about the opportunity God gives you today and that you should not miss : Jesus goes on in your life and call you by your name , because he loves you and wants to save you , how well youre stuck ? Just as Zacchaeus climbed a tree to see Jesus , get thee now with Jesus the tree of the cross and know who he is , know the immensity of his love, and that elects a chief tax : who despaired of himself same when it reaches the point? (St. Ambrose) .
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:05:11 +0000

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