Contempt of Congress used to be a serious offense. Those who were - TopicsExpress


Contempt of Congress used to be a serious offense. Those who were accused of it faced prosecution, fines and perhaps worse. These days, we are being subjected to contempt by Congress – more specifically, by the U.S. Senate. As it prepares to ram down our throats a seriously defective “comprehensive immigration reform” bill thrown together by the so-called “Gang of Eight” led by Sen. Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, and several fellow travelers (notably, Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Republican Senators Bob Corker of Tennessee and John Hoeven of North Dakota), that contempt is palpable. Let us count the ways: Contempt for the national security: To be sure, what amounts to a Schumer-Corker-Hoevel amendment is ostensibly meant to fix our present border insecurity. A clue about its true purpose and character is that it has been put forward with the blessing of the Gang of Eight (rightly dubbed “the Gangsters) in the wake of their assiduous, and to date successful, efforts to prevent real fixes when they were offered in previous amendments. In fact, as one of the most effective opponents of this legislation, rising Republican rock-star Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, noted at Red State on June 24th (redstate/ted_cruz/2013/06/23/latest-deal-from-the-senate-pass-amnesty-first-read-the-bill-later/), the “national security” amendment the Gangsters now profess to favor actually weakens existing border and interior security laws in a number of ways. It also will, as a practical matter, end arrests and deportations necessary to enforce statutes relevant to illegal immigration.Every Senator who votes for the Schumer-Corker-Hoeven amendment and, thereby, helps to enact what can only be correctly described as immigration deform, is on notice: Later if not sooner, the American people will show them what we think of their serial contempt for all of us Every Senator who votes for the Schumer-Corker-Hoeven amendment and, thereby, helps to enact what can only be correctly described as immigration deform, is on notice: Later if not sooner, the American people will show them what we think of their serial contempt for all of us.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 21:48:56 +0000

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