Contents[edit] The purpose of this sūtra is said to be to help - TopicsExpress


Contents[edit] The purpose of this sūtra is said to be to help sentient beings in a troubled and tumultuous world. According to this sūtra, beings will leave suffering and obtain happiness, increasing in their prosperity and longevity, remove karmic obstacles, eliminate disasters and calamities, remove enmity and hatred, fulfill all wishes, and quickly be led onto the Buddhas way.[1] It is held by some that when the dhāraṇī is heard, it can imbue the alaya consciousness with pure seeds that will help to lead one to buddhahood. According to the text, major applications of this dharani include:[1] Destroy calamities and rescue those in difficulties Eliminate offenses and create good deeds Purify all karmic obstructions Increase blessings and lengthen lifespan Attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi Relieve beings in the ghost realm Benefit birds, animals and all crawling creatures Increase wisdom Revert the fixed karma; Eliminate various illness; Destroy hells; Ensure the safety of the households, and having children to inherit the family pride; Harmonise husbands and wives; Be able to reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss or various Buddhalands; Heal sickness inflicted by ghosts and spirits; Request for rain etc. Some quotes from the sutra text include:[1] If someone hears this Dharani even just for a moment, he will not undergo karmic retribution from evil karma and severe hindrances accumulated from thousands of kalpas ago, that would otherwise cause him to revolve in the cycles of birth and death - in all kinds of life forms in the evil paths - hell, hungry ghost, animal, realm of King Yama, Asuras...ferocious animals, crawling creatures and even ants and other life forms... he will be reborn in the Buddhalands, together with all the Buddhas and Ekajati-pratibadda Bodhisattvas, or in a distinguished Brahmin or Ksatriya family, or in some other wealthy and reputable families. If one can chant this Dharani 21 times daily, he is worthy of accepting all the immense worldly offerings and will be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss after his death. If one chants this dharani constantly, he will attain Maha Parinirvana and be able to lengthen his lifespan besides enjoying the most extraordinary bliss. May the Tathagata have compassion on Devaputra Sushita and all other heavenly beings. Also, for the sake of the beings in future Dharma-ending Age, kindly give a discourse on this Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī Mantra so that we could cultivate and may all beings be eternally freed from the sufferings of the eight adversities. If someone could write this Dharani and place It on the top of a tall banner, high mountain or in a tall building or even keep It in a stupa; Lord of Heaven! If there are bhiksus or bhiksunis, upasakas or upasikas, laymen or laywomen who have seen this Dharani atop the above structures; or if the shadows of these structures should fall on beings who come near to the structures, or particles of dust from the written Dharani are blown onto their bodies; Lord of Heaven! If the accumulated evil karma of these beings should cause them to fall into evil paths such as realm of hell, animal, King Yama, hungry ghost, Asura and others, they will all be spared from the evil paths, and they will not be tainted with filth and defilement. Lord of Heaven! Instead, all Buddhas will bestow predictions (Vyakarana) onto these beings who will never regress from the path to Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi (complete enlightment). https://youtube/watch?v=wPUZYfZOrP4
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 18:32:28 +0000

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