Contents of a letter I just sent to my Member of Parliament, - TopicsExpress


Contents of a letter I just sent to my Member of Parliament, Stephen Harper and Claude Carignan, the Conservative Leader of the Senate: Although you are most likely unaware of this, I have been a loyal member of the Conservative Party for a number of years. I have worked on every one of your campaigns and was pleased and excited to see you elected and to think that I had a part, however minor, in that success. I believed in the Party, I believed in the integrity of the Party’s candidates, and I particularly believed in yours and Mr Harper’s integrity, intelligence and leadership. Unfortunately, while I continue to have faith in you personally, I am rapidly losing faith in the Party and in Mr Harper’s leadership. The way that the Party leadership has handled the Senate ‘scandal’ is, in itself, scandalous, and is bringing the Party into disrepute not only with the Press and the Opposition, but with its own membership. While I strongly believe that all members of government, be they in the Senate or in the House, owe a duty of care and a responsibility to their citizens to be fiscally responsible and to ensure they do not take any action that would discredit themselves or the Government, I also believe in the Rule of Law, particularly in due process. It is becoming quite obvious that the Conservative Senate Leadership and the House Leadership have forgotten about Article 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which identifies the right of equitable treatment under the principles of fundamental justice. The Senate is proposing sanctioning and punishing three of their fellow Senators without the benefit of allowing them to defend themselves in front of an impartial tribunal. This abuse is compounded by the fact that both an external audit and the Senate committee itself have admitted the financial rules of the Senate are unclear and thus open to interpretation. Finally, the Senate is apparently applying its own rules retrospectively, which violates virtually every bill of rights in the world, including Article 11(g) of the Canadian Constitution and Article 11(2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These actions are reprehensible in their nature and, in and of themselves, bring the reputation of the Senate into disrepute. Thus, I have arrived at the conclusion that, should the Party Leadership continue its unconscionable and abusive actions toward these three Senators, regardless of whether they might, in time and as a result of due process, be found to have violated the law, I will no longer be able to support you personally or the Party in any future election. I will decide at the appropriate time for which party I might vote, but it will not be the Conservative Party of Canada. I regret the necessity of this course of action, but it is being forced upon me by the ineptitude and lack of moral fibre of the leadership of the Party. With regret, yours sincerely, Michael J Brown CD BA MBA PLog PMP Student of Law, University of Leicester
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:19:25 +0000

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