Continues Episode 8 I spent my Saturday in isolation, i barely - TopicsExpress


Continues Episode 8 I spent my Saturday in isolation, i barely came out of my room or talked to anybody. The only person who bordered to find out how i was doing was Ighalo. My mum only came to remind me to eat. Sunday came along with a lot of promise for me. The thought of seeing Ehis again put a smile on my face. I felt that usual flutter inside me again. I kept wondering how i would see him without my parents finding out. I got up slowly from my bed, and walked lazily to the sitting room. My family had already started morning devotion. I found some space beside Ighalo, and knelt down in front of the statue of virgin Mary. All through the prayer, i merely mumbled some incoherent words. My mind and heart were far removed from the prayer. All i could think about was meeting Ehis again. The devotion ended. I got up quickly, hoping to dash out of sight before anyone noticed my presence. “Ella come back here, we are not finished with you” my father’s voice halted me in my strides. I turned around with a frown on my face, and hands folded across my chest. My parents had already taken up seats side by side. “sit down,” my mum ordered. ” I’m ok like this” i replied, looking upwards with disgust. I have never replied my parents like this before. I guess times have changed. My father cleared his throat and continued. “You have now decided to bring shame upon me. To the extent that you now sleep with small boys in the house of God…..” “daddy i did not…….” “shut up!” My dad shouted, getting up from his seat, ” if you interrupt me again i ll break your head” he thundered. As menacing as he sounded, i was largely unflustered. The anger that had built up in my heart far exceeded the fear I had for my father. “hence forth”, he continued, in a harsh and authoritative tone. ” you will not go to that practice again. Infact go and tell them you are no longer an alter girl” “Apart from church and school, do not leave this house to any place. If I see you with that useless boy, or any boy for that matter, i ll kill both you with my bare hands………silly child” ” okay, is that all?” I asked, in a mocking tone. “My friend get out of here” my mum replied, obviously irritated by my demeanor. I turned around, and walked lazily towards my bathroom. I wasn’t ready to do any house chores. Whoever wanted me to work, will have to kill me first, i resolved in my heart. Thankfully, nobody disturbed me. I returned from the bathroom, with a towel tied around my body, covering from my chest to the ridge above my knees. Revealing my long shapely legs. I stood in front of my mirror, admiring all the contours of my body. For once i appreciated how pretty i was. I turned round and looked at my butt. A little shy smile flashed across my face, as i remembered the feeling i got when Ehis squeezed it. I opened my drawer, and brought out all my make up accessories, which in total included a comb, face powder and body cream. My mum wouldn’t allow anything else. I applied everything meticulously, making sure it was all perfect. I looked through my wardrobe, searching for my favourite gown. It was a blue dinner gown, tailor made to my body. It brought out my exact shape, and had a way of making my bossoms look big. I stared at the mirror, turning from side to side, making sure I looked perfect. I wanted Ehis to admire me today, if i get the chance to meet him. It was all perfect, as i stepped outside to meet my parents in the car outside. My mum had her eyes fixed on me, as i took every step towards the car. I could guess exactly what was going on in her mind. We zoomed off. Today, i ll find a way to out smart my parents. I had an ally. To be continued
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 06:26:34 +0000

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