Continuing my article on the art of dying gracefully, I am sharing - TopicsExpress


Continuing my article on the art of dying gracefully, I am sharing some thoughts. Your comments are always welcome Art of Dying Gracefully : Reengineering thoughts, Modifying lifestyles : Some years ago when I was posted in Mumbai for a brief time, I helped tend a cousin of mine who was dying of cancer. He was young and only in his early forties, two sweet kids and a very nice sweet kind homely typical South Indian Brahmin wife. Near the end of his life, he had reached a place of equanimity around dying. But instead of honouring his wishes for a peaceful death, the doctors in TATA Memorial ordered aggressive treatment, which did nothing to halt his cancer. The treatments caused him immense suffering, rendering him unable to sleep, eat, or converse with family and friends as he was dying. He was in ICU the last 7 days of his life. All these 7 days his wife and his elder brother stood vigil outside the ICU unit day and night waiting for the good news that he would be out soon. Never once did the Doctors state that he was in the last stage of his life. Unfortunately, deaths like my cousin’s are not that rare. I happened to come across a survey of a reputed hospital cum home engaged in palliative care. Though more than 70 percent of inmates surveyed say they want to die in their own home without unnecessary procedures to extend their lives, more than 80 percent of all deaths occurs in facilities away from home. Of those, 90 percent occur in ICU’s, where physicians are charged with doing everything they can to keep a person alive, regardless of the inevitable outcome. Sometimes, the quest to avoid death can seem extreme, where unnecessary life-extending procedures created exorbitant medical bills and emotionally burdened their loved ones. But, if there are many examples of a bad death, is there any better way? Is a “good death” just an oxymoron? Or can the experience of death be far more positive—an opportunity for growth and meaning? ( Incidentally the father-in-law of my friend mentioned in the last post has been shifted to his own house and believe it or not, he seems to be more at peace, happy and showing signs of improvement. This is also bringing smiles back on the faces of his caretakers. ) ........................................... to be continued.......... Sampath Iyer.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 06:29:00 +0000

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