Continuing the story of my blessed life with David (6) . . . I - TopicsExpress


Continuing the story of my blessed life with David (6) . . . I left off on Sunday after having a weekend with my great grandfather & my girls, in that infatuation stage, but still a bit protective of my heart and concerned of being “too much” for David. After returning home and back in the same area code, David and I started talking every night on the phone after I had the girls down for the evening. This was the incentive I needed to have the girls settled in by 8:30, giving me time to get dishes and laundry done so when David called, I was able to put my attention there and not be distracted. We would talk for hours about everything and nothing all at the same time. Every once in a while, I would doze for a few seconds while we were on the phone. I ended up talking while sitting on the couch, so not to lay down or get too comfortable. I was always amazed how connected my girls were. They would talk as they fell asleep. I would hear them giggling quietly and would pretend not to hear them. I was amazed how in synch they were with each other. They would come into my room around the same time to finish their night’s sleep. As I was talking to David one night, I heard Jacqueline waking up Amanda telling her to wake up. . . it was time to go to mommy’s room. So much for them being in synch. Think they were scared to cross the small house alone. Jacqueline was at an age that she noticed our family dynamics were different from her daycare friends. At one point Jacqueline was mad at me for our life’s circumstances, in a 4 year old fit, she told me that I was a mean mommy like Snow White’s mom because I didn’t get her a dad. On the other hand, Amanda at 3, only had known having just a mom (Raymond passed away when she was 2 months) and watching Disney movies (typically only one parent – Cinderella, Snow White, Belle, Ariel, . . . ), was oblivious to us being any different than anyone else. I knew I didn’t want to have someone around my girls until I knew they were going to be a part of our life. Not that the girls were ever far from my thoughts, I enjoyed feeling like a young woman dating again and not just like a mom. My parents would take the girls most Friday nights so David and I could go out on a date for anything from a nice dinner to him taking me to a gun range to teach me to shoot. I had the opportunity to meet a couple of his friends and his dad. When I met David’s dad, he and his dad talked before I came over. David told his dad he cared about me and to not say or do anything to make me feel uncomfortable, like call me by the wrong name. When I met David’s dad, he was charming and quite the host offering me a multitude of dessert options. Jean was very proud of her accomplishment in bringing us together. She invited my parents and me over for dinner one evening. David was expected to join us as well. He did but only for dessert, but at least my parents got to meet him. I guess they approved since they continued to take the girls if not every Friday, close to every Friday so I could go out. We continued to date just the two of us. He asked about the girls, heard lots of stories about them, cared about them, though really didn’t know them yet. He offered to take us all out, but was waiting for me to give the word. So after about 2 months, I was ready for us to all go out. David picked up all three of us. David took us out to eat for dinner and then to see Lion King. David buttered Amanda’s bread for her and she turned to me asking, have you ever had butter on bread? As if she never had it before. . . .Oh right, she never had butter on bread. I didn’t take the time to butter their bread and they never knew they were missing out on anything. David had no idea what to think as Amanda would say anything that came to mind. We went to the theater and sat down. Think we made it through the opening trailers before the wiggling began. Amanda kept moving from one seat to the next, then in my lap then back to an empty seat. When the hyena sceene started, Amanda was a bit scared and climbed in David’s lap, taking his hand to cover her face. Jacqueline sat there taking it all in. She was the one I was concerned about getting too attached, yet she was in the observation mode. By the end of the movie, she was sitting on my lap and Amanda sitting in David’s lap still. We left the movie to go to the car and said take a hand before we crossed the street. Jacqueline reached for David and we crossed the street as what was the first of many dates to follow.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 04:13:38 +0000

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