Continuing with my last post, the second reason why our Nations - TopicsExpress


Continuing with my last post, the second reason why our Nations are so poverty stricken and poor is due to lack of responsibility and leadership. Many of our people blame non Natives and the government for current situations but non Natives are not at fault whatsoever. The enemy is closer to home and lives among us on the reservations. Tribal Council. Many of our Council members are motivated by greed. They serve themselves before serving their own people. This makes me more angry than anything else. In the time of our ancestors leadership was honored and respected. The people came first above all else. Chiefs would put their own needs last and that of the peoples first. Today it is not like this. Many Council members are corrupt and they dont care about the very people they were chosen to represent. A great example of this can be seen at this very moment on one Nation in particular. No one will ever convince me that members of Tribal Council are suffering to the extent their people are. They have running water, electricity, heat and homes that are livable. They do not take the time to visit their own people. I believe in putting blame where it needs to be regardless of the repercussions. Every time I point a finger at Council and their inability to lead I expect to recieve a call or letter from my own Nation disenrolling me. (^_-) But it does not stop me from telling ppl that someday they need to take back the leadership and overthrow Council and take charge of their Nations. If this does not change and the people continue to live as they are things will only get worse.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:13:31 +0000

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