Contrary to popular science fiction, and i dont mean space ships - TopicsExpress


Contrary to popular science fiction, and i dont mean space ships and rocky planets, i mean Western science and nuclear radiation and everyone but a few researchers ignoring their skin lesions and such so no need to actually go and look for seals anymore to see how they are faring, many Alaskan and Eskimo seal hunters who hunt and eat seals are finding deep disease processes continuing in many of the seals they encounter. When a government needs to cover up evidence, the first thing it needs to do is stop people from going and collecting it- done. Then they need to delay research on those who did go and collect it. Done. Then they need to sponsor those researchers who picked up a couple seals who were not effected and make sure their research showing all is well is published in ALL the major media outlets before the real research is released because once disinformation, misinformation, and outright fabrication is out there, it is nearly impossible to correct. Done. Then, the work to get everyone to ignore the findings of common people who encounter the truth and dismiss their observations and experience using experts whos field of expertise is not actually relevant but kinda close to the subject, such as Dr, Bananas at UC Berkeley labs whos training is in radioactive metals, and not radiation biology, but, since radiation creates metals, well, whats good enough for the government must be good enough for us. Never doubt that a government that can convince every major telecom provider, who also happens to own every major media outlet, to give up every scrape of your private information to the NSA without your permission or knowledge of this illegal action which should land every telecom in court for breaching the Fourth Amendment, can not also control information about radiation that the government does not want made public. It will be manipulated, suppressed, and disappeared. With the recent loss of Net Neutrality and the incoming implementation of SOPA, and the congressional approval of the TPP, this will only get easier for them.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 00:14:06 +0000

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