Contribute to banning fluoridation in your water district! It - TopicsExpress


Contribute to banning fluoridation in your water district! It really is a messed up situation...the idea that fluoridation of water is done because it is “good for your teeth” is completely ridiculous. First of all, when you drink water, it hardly touches your teeth. Moreover, fluoride is a know “persistent”, “bioaccumulative” toxin, not a health supplement. A 2014 Harvard study pointed out that since 2006, epidemiological studies have documented fluoride as a “developmental neurotoxin” linked to autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments. Also, fluoridation of drinking water has been linked to decreased IQ in many locations. Approximately 97 percent of Europe does not fluoridate their water. It is illegal in all of Australia. Most fluoridation in the US is done using a byproduct from the phosphate mining and production industry known as fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6). It is classified by the US EPA as a “class one hazardous waste. The chemical first was recognized by the EPA as a hazardous waste in the early 1960s when it was reported that crops were dying and livestock were crippled (by what was later diagnosed as severe structural fluorosis) in Florida. Soon after the EPA passed regulations requiring phosphate industrial plants to scrub their emissions (know to be the source of the fluoride air contamination). As soon as the regulations were implemented the industry began scrubbing their emissions and producing liquid fluorosilicic acid (19 - 23 % fluorine, also containing trace amounts of several toxic heavy metals and radioactive radionuclides, among the most radioactive types of naturally occurring radioactive material. At the same time, the ADA began endorsing fluoridation of drinking water to prevent tooth decay. Almost immediately, the phosphate production industry began marketing fluorsilicic acid as an economic drinking water additive for fluoridation. Its been added as the final step of treatment at various municipal drinking water plants ever since. According to the National Institute of Health’s Toxicology Data Network, the chemical has a 4-5 Human Toxicity Value, which is very toxic to extremely toxic and has an oral lethal dose of as little as seven drops for a 70 kg (150 lb) person. Hopefully soon people will realize that health is more important than money. Hopefully soon people will stand up together and stand up for themselves and stand against the unjust actions of the corporate leaders of our planet. Fluoridation is one of many situations which is affecting not only the average person, but also the planet and the environment which we and future generations so intrinsically depend on. Our food and water are the things we rely upon most to survive and we are alright with corporations profiting from adding toxins to our water and covering our food in toxins and changing the genetics of our food so that it can still grow when it is lathered in toxic chemicals? Im not alright with it. I find it appalling and absurd. It is not right to force so-called “solutions” on a community without first adequately explaining to them what the “solutions” entail and allowing the community to decide for themselves. Human society, particularly well-developed societies, MUST stop prioritizing economic stimulus and capital gain over the protection of human health and the preservation of the environment. From what I can tell, we have the knowledge and we have the technology to produce energy sustainably and to optimize the sustainability of our industrial production processes; however, it seems that the fundamental philosophical foundation of our society is flawed, it revolves around money, we have been collectively misguided throughout our lives to prioritize money when making decisions, and our society is crippled by money and corrupt politics. I believe that the long-term welfare of our species is contingent upon collective de-emphasis of economic growth and re-emphasis of decentralized sustainable living (closed loop food, water, and energy systems), but perhaps I am wrong.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 02:50:09 +0000

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